for sara

Jan 17, 2005 18:03


today is the united states day designated to celebrate the birth of rev. doctor martin luther king jr

the day designated to celebrate as a nation how far we've come in treatment of races as equals

and it is quite amazing how far we've come

the fact
and i say this with the upmost sincerity
that you could have a class with asians, blacks, whites, hispanics in the same classroom
where race is nothing more than a joke

but one thing i find just amazing
just utterly flabberghasting
is some people who are logical and knowledgeable and most imporantly people i respect can still consider slavery as simply something that africans imposed on themselves
that it was just some thing that came with life

i understand
slavery has been part of human life for as long as time
that certain people for whatever reasons have been chosen as less then human
and been treated that way
but does that make it right?
that since we replicated a problem that has already occured it makes us less responsible?
it doesnt

i also understand
that orignally slavery in Africa
i finish later
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