Jul 18, 2006 20:31
"How significance and intentionality could come to dwell in molecular edifices or masses of cells is a thing which can never be made comprehensible, and here Cartesianism is right."
mr Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 'Phenomology of Perception'
heeeeeeeeee! That practically makes the insane heat alright, and after reading it on the bus this morning I took several minutes to smile and contemplate my deep satisfaction. heeeeeeeeeeeeee! ;)
like that's one of those fascinating things that's undergirded so much of what I've thought since I first learned of such a thing as philosophy allllllllllll those long years ago (maybe six of them) that I almost forget other people might believe it too. it's the single reason why the arrogance of science-obsessed atheists and crazy conservative theists alike, leads them up a gum-tree!! in my view........I wonder why a gum-tree is a bad thing to be up. is it sticky? can you not get down again? are the branches not very strong?
so it was nice to read that. I am having super fun with Phenomology of Perception, I might write about it a lot some other time. I have spent about three months reading it! and I am still 125 pages (of 530!! ;) from the end. heh! But I think in self-understanding and joyful bemusement I've got as much from it as I might've hoped for in a month! so that's nice. ;)
aside from that, I am exhausted mostly due to the heat!!! crazy heat it is in my view, and....I had a bit of a funny weekend. am all busy a lot of the time. now I'm going to lie down and sweat a lot. and be sad and guilty about Lebanon and Palestine and all the other places in the world where incomprehensibly horrid things are happening to human beings while I think I'm hard done by because it's a bit warm :(