Dec 23, 2011 12:11
I have never been a proponent of the way in which society approaches matters like dining, fashion, and more so-called "delicate" matters like reputation and/or respect an individual holds.
Being rational, is something that does not come to us naturally. We are living, feeling human beings. And that means, we feel a lot of things and a lot of those on the spur of the moment. I have tried and it is indeed tough to be objective about everything. We are always clouded with various judgements, opinionated, have various notions that we don't wish to throw away, or have inside us unconsciously.
Why I would address this aspect is the fact that a lot of society's inner crux is made of people who like to think alike, that's why they are "SOCIETY", and don't "dare to be different". And if you are different, that becomes so "cool" that you become the media darling and you are not different anymore with various monkeys like you. That's why we see people walking together as elephants go together, or in various groups of people, we don't really see why someone is a "stranger" and why someone is not.
Honestly, I am a citizen of the world. The only living being in a utopian world of my own. My world. Yes, like a madman if you may. Observe what happens to you when you're in a group of people, and observe more of what happens to you when you're alone. You start becoming and behaving just like the monkeys around you.
You could have your "own style" (which is such a contradiction) as termed by the society around you. Or you could just be yourself, shunning all of society.
That's the only way you can "be yourself", in my opinion.
So, all you "cool dudes and gals" out there, who think you are "yourself", just analyze and introspect what I have said.
PS : We are so afraid to be "left out".
being yourself,