(no subject)

Sep 11, 2004 15:37

im only doing this because i love katie mckay dearly and feel badly for not calling you about waterskiing.

1. What is your full name? Leanne Erica Nina Pearl

2. If you could choose your full name, what would you like it to be? um...i dont know...i kinda of like my name...but maube i would change it to the presidnets name for tax purposes.

3. What is your favorite movie, and why? my all time favorite movie it E.T. just because i loved it when i was little and i never grew out of it....um...but besides that probably the remake of romeo and juliet, or perhaps breakfast at tiffany's.

4. White sand, or grey sand? white

5. If you could break any law one time and get away with it scott-free, no matter what the circumstances, what would you like to do? hmmm....i would like to rob a lot of money or get the answers to the SAT's.

6. Would you rather be remembered as the person who saved the world, or almost destroyed it? saved it....i was never one for detriction.

7. At your funeral, what do you want your corpse to be dressed in? cargo pants and a tank top.

8. What's the most inappropriate thing you could say to a historical figure (any one, your choice)? wish hitler a happy hannuka....or however you spell it.

9. Who's the person you love to hate most? i dont hate many people....but i greatly enjoy disliking many peopoe...cant really say just one..

10. Who's the person you hate to love most? i dont know...hmmmm. i like loving people.

11. Rose, rose, rose, rose, will I ever see thee wed? yes.

12. How many pancakes does it take for a fish to ride a bicycle? none you idiot, fish only speak spanish.

13. First moon landing: Kosher as a pickle, or government hoax? governmet hoax. look at the facts. lol.

14. How often do you use your toaster? wheven i toast something.

15. Would you rather have sex with an insanely hideous member of the opposite sex, or a stunningly gorgeous member of the same sex? depends on who i loved more...probably the guy then i would imagine. cheezy but true.

16. Is rock dead? fuck no. as long as someone loves it and shares it, it will go on foever.

17. Name your favorite personality trait, and who it belongs to. i love pauls sarcasm.

18. As you pass by a crowded place, i.e. a mall or concert, do you rate the attractiveness of the people passing by? hell yes i do!

19. Do you feel you give good advice? no. i wouldnt take advice from me.

20. How would you like to die? i dont know...i guess in a forest....or in a tree or something. or on stage, like milo.

21. Free the toasters? no...we need them for bagels.

22. Would you ever consider participating in a ritual sacrifice.... as the sacrifice? nah.

23. Deathmatch: (Who would win?) One-on-one Alien vs. Predator. predator, the're uglier.

24. Who was the sexiest president of all time? do i look like the type of persons to know my presidents?

25. Ever played the Penis game? hell yes i have! always win too. lol.

26. If you were to strip, what do you think your background music would be? probably some old beatles song or nirvana song or flaming lips or something.

27. If you could take on the personality of one character, whether it be from a movie, a book, TV, etc. who would it be? i would bepiper from charmed because she can freeze time which is awsome and she has a hot husband.

28. Does your mode of transportation have a nickname? (i.e. Putt-putt, Chug-a-lug, Skibinigagen, etc.) If so, what? yes, my moms car's name is gertrude.

29. If you could turn into a sex toy, what would you want to be? gross....none. lol.

30. What would you do for a Klondike bar? what would jesus do for a klondike bar?

31. If someone murdered your father, whom you loved dearly, and you swore bloody vengeance, but found out the murderer was your best friend, what would you do? kill them. duh! lol.

32. Skiing or boarding? (Applies to snow and water) not good at either...ill come back to this one when i practice.

33. Do you watch Adult Swim on Cartoon Network? i watch aqau teen hunger force.

34. Who's the sexiest old guy on the planet? um....probably johnny depp...and yes..he is old.

35. When was the last time you saw another person's genitalia? what kind of question is this?

36. What emotion do you feel is the most dominant in your personality? contentment.

37. What does the phrase, "Spork of Heinous, Dripping Wrath" incite within you? a sprok of heunous drippin wrath eating my face, of course.

38. Can you hear me now? yes.

39. Have you ever tried to see how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? yes

40. If so, how far did you get? 634

41. Have you ever managed to finish the "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" song? nope, but its one of my more important goals in life.

42. Does this number hold any significance to you? If so, what? no, mainly becasue i dont know what you are trying to ask me.

43. Do you have quadrotriscadecophobia? yes, i was born with it. dont judge me.

44. Can you pronounce that word? yes....of course i can...i was born with is, remember?

45. Have you ever managed to successfully pronounce "Skibinigagen?" i have. one of the more positave successes of my teenage years.

46. Wonder how long this thing will go on? 100 quistions, ive already read through it.

47. What's the longest you've played any videogame? ive been playing sims with mallory non top for like...a week. and anna and i played tony hawk fro hours once. it was great.

48. If you expect the unexpected, but the expected happens, are you still surprised? no. no i am not.

49. How do they get the peanuts inside the shells? they were born that way.

50. Name a homosexual you wish to God were straight. lets see...probably one of the characters from queer as folk....or like...i dont know...thats all i guess. i like gay people gay.

51. Kink, or no? no

52. What's your current favorite phrase? "dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true"

53. Who's your favorite stand-up comedian? i dont know...

54. Have you ever had a secret admirer? yes

55. Have you ever been a secret admirer? yes

56. If you absolutely HAD to categorize yourself into one stereotype, what would it be? drama freak, of course.

57. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes...it was sad :'(

58. Have you ever thrown up on a ride? nope :D

59. Are clowns fucking scary as hell? only i the movie "it", or when they try to give you emploding ballon animals.

60. Deathmatch: Jabba the Hut vs. Don Corleone. jabba the hut, he's faster.

61. Deathmatch: Hannibal Lector vs. Clarece Starling hannibal lector. only tough guys wear muzzles in jail cells.

62. What would you consider a sign of an imminent Apocolypse? the world ending you stupid fuck.

63. If you conform in a society in which noncomformity is "In", are you still a rebel? who cares...not me.

64. What was the last major injury you've had? probabyl when i broke my foot at the begining of lasst year.

65. Have you ever purposefully inflicted a serious injury on someone else? i dont think so...does shooting that one guy in the face count?

66. If you could be a part of one historical group, what would it be? (Inquisition people, Roman army, Italian mafia, etc.) i would be a club kis, fromt he 80's.

67. Deathmatch: Hitler vs. Stalin vs. Mussolini vs. Franco vs. Tojo. hitler.

68. Deathmatch: Ghandi vs. Martin Luther King Jr. martin luther king. hello! he's black!

69. Whoa..... you've seriously gotten this far? yes.

70. Are you planning on actually finishing this questionnaire? yes....or else i would be wasting my time.

71. Who do you listen to when you're REALLY pissed off? whatever i feel like listening to i guess.

72. Deathmatch: Minime vs. Pepito, from Something Positive. pepito. i like the name more.

73. If God were to show himself to every single living being on earth, but in the form of a giant rutabega, do you think his popularity would drop, remain the same, or increase? rutabega! (ashley) yes, i think he would. becasue ritabega is that best thing ever!

74. Is there a topic that easily offends you, i.e. gay marriage, politics, theology, etc.? And if so, what is it? no, i dont think so...im pretty even tempered about that sort of thing.

75. Who is your favorite religious figure? buddha

76. Why don't they have religious action figures? ("Jesus H. Christ, Our Lord and Saviour--Now with Kung-Fu Grip!!") they do! i saw a jesus one once!

77. What's the highest number you've ever counted to, for any reason at all? i dont know how to count

78. Have you ever woken up beside someone you wish you hadn't? yes. but not becasue we had sexm but becasue i was tired and didnt want anyone in my bed.

79. Which is worse: Being a vegetable with a mind Einstein and Freud would envy, or having a body Arnold Schwarzenneger would give his left nut to have but having the mind of a turnip? i think they both would suck...i just want to be a normak happy medium kind of person.

80. Which sounds better: Rulership of the universe, the world, or your own private island? private islan. it cou;d be like the beachor lord of the fly's.

81. If you could take credit for one thing, what would it be? it would probably be inventing tampons.

82. What band do you hate to admit you listen to most? (Be honest!!) i dont know...i like everyone i listen to and have no problem listening to them....hmmm. but if i had to answer i would say dashvored confesional.

83. If you could dress me in anything you wanted to, what would you clothe me in? i would cloth you in mallory's clothing. lol.

84. What is your favorite memory of me? water skiing.

85. If you could switch genitalia with anyone on the planet, who would it be? i dont think i would...

86. Which of your friends are you most afraid of/for? hmmm...justin probably. or lauren.

87. Does this fact frighten you: Nuclear radiation will not kill roaches, but in most cases a can of RAID will? nope. in fact it gives me a great idea....

88. Think I can make it to 100 and still retain coherency? no. i have little faith in you.

89. How's the questionnaire so far? its long.

90. What is your favorite fantasy to indulge in? (Note: "Fantasy" does not always have to be sexual in nature.)
hmmm, living in san francisco.

91. Why the fuck doesn't James Bond have an STD by now?!! because he is a secret agent. he can dodge bullets for christ sakes! he has lazers hidden in little tiny watches. im sure he knows what a codem is.

92. Many much moosen, or grape/cherry snowcone? moosen i guess.

93. When was the last time you were embarrassed? i dont know...um...lets say yestarday to be safe.

94. Have you ever been in fear of your life? yes.

95. Ever wonder why popping bubblewrap is so much fun? no. its the little things in life.

96. Have you ever gotten into a fight over an absolute ridiculous idea? lol. yes.

97. Have you ever had violent thoughts about someone you hold dear simply because they thwarted you or your dominance? yes.

98. You still here? nope.

99. If you could be a Carebear, My Little Pony, or Teletubby, which would you want to be and why? carebear so that i coulg sleep in a hammok and like...sit on rainbow's

100. What was your favorite question? this one, because its last.

ah! thats it. i love you katie mckay.

and i think you should fill it out, all of you!

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