My wife and I had a baby. He is Henry Jay Turner. We are doing great so far, just the three of us. Let's not forget Gus, our dog. He's handling it well. I had not seriously considered that I was ready to care for a child. In fact, I thought that I was not ready. I think I can do this, however.
I have matured in my outlook on church and ministry. I cannot help but read my last post and challenge "past me" to step up and lead. I was given the stage to mature and grow on; I was given the opportunity to become exactly what I am called to be. Somehow I became disgusted with it. In being able to escape that time i have seen that i squandered it. Now having a new opportunity at Newlife South, i want to jump in with both feet. I realize that I have never done that anywhere before, but I am ready to pastor Bremerton. I have to develop my adult voice. I can't block myself again. I want to see what my mentors see.
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