I found this article called 'Only men are allowed to be perfect', via
51stcenturyfox and her post:
http://51stcenturyfox.livejournal.com/111521.html, so I thought I would link it here as well, because I love the points it makes, and I want to share it. It is about sexism in fandom, and I find it spot on. Here is a part of the article that I really love:
Try taking any female character you dislike, and transforming them into a man... how does this change how you look at them? There are still going to be plenty of characters you dislike, regardless of gender, because they're still a cat hater, or a Yankees fan, or they look just like that math teacher who used to call you stupid. But how much time would you spend bashing them? Do you think there would be whole communities devoted to hating them? Would they be constantly vilified in fanfic?
But what does it matter if we bash female characters? They're only fictional, after all. I'll just say this- I don't think it's a good idea to spend a lot of time disparaging and despising women, even if they aren't real, as that's the sort of thing that can become a habit.
Yes, I'm oversimplifying things, being judgmental, and the people who see this are almost certainly certainly the last people on earth who need to read it, but I had to throw it out there.
Check out the thread, and read the rest of it here:
http://isiscaughey.livejournal.com/665134.html?view=3484718#t3484718 What do you guys think?
I'd like a lot of people from the Lost, Torchwood, Harry Potter and Doctor Who fandoms to see this.