Lets celebrate women and what we have achieved; we've come such a long way. Sexism is still a big part of our culture, but we are moving towards equality and no Rush Limbaugh is going to stop us. Yay for voting, yay for sexuality, yay for being 'free bitches, baby' and yay for focusing on our own happiness and depending on our brains instead of our sex!:D This post is dedicated to the awesome women who I admire; LETS BREAK THOSE SOCIAL BARS, SHALL WE?
Tina motherfucking Fey; probably one of the most famous female comedians and writers in the entertaiment industry today<3 She is an inspiration to many women around the world, and prove that, yes, women can actually be funny and smart, so that old trope is false.
Say what you want about her or her politics, but Hillary Clinton has taken a lot of shit for being a woman in the business. And unlike others (Sarah Palin) she is an inspiration to women and has proven to be smart, knowledgable and has worked hard towards the status she has now(secretary of state).
Rachel Maddow is another woman, who is not only a figure for the LGBT community, but to women everywhere. She is smart, funny, honest and respected as a journalist, and she counts on her personality and smarts instead of her looks to make it in the business.
J.K Rowling; she wrote Harry Potter, enough said. She had to change her name, because being a female writer in the business wasn't easy, and to get a book deal, she had to not bring attention to her gender. Then she comes out and people see that, yes, she is, in fact, a female writer, who is not only talented, but hardworking and smart. She is now an author of one of the world's most popular children's book franchise, and an inspiration for female writers everywhere.(unlike, umm, Stephanie Meyer)
This was my personal list, so no disrespect to people who differ.