Fuck this sexist shit.

Jul 03, 2010 23:40

I thought that this commercial had finally stopped running on tv, but to my great displeasure, it wasn't the case. I saw it today, and I literally threw a pillow at the tv and raged. And now, I give you, one of the most sexist commercials of all time:

image Click to view

The point of this commercial it to imply that women don't understand sports, or that they are just plain stupid. The commercial starts with a scene of a football game, but what happens on screen doesn't makes sense, because the commentary is taken literally by the person who is listening, instead of matching up with what the different football expressions actually mean. Like, it shows how they are literally receiving a goal on the middle of the field, instead of showing someone/a team making/receiving a field goal, which is what the commentary actually means. Then it flashes to a woman sitting and listening to the sports commentary, and of course she takes it literally, and  of course she  doesn't understand the commentary, because she is a woman. Then it flashes to a text that says "Der er så meget kvinder ikke forstår'" which means: "There is so much women don't understand". Basically, the commercial implies that women don't understand sports commentary, and that they take everything literally; they apparently can't understand 'manly things', like sports.

Get it? women don't understand sports or man things! Because the commentary says that they 'receive a field goal' she thinks that they ACTUALLY RECEIVE A GOAL!  ON THE FIELD! YOU KNOW, AS A PRESENT! hahahahaha isn't that just hilarious.

Fuck this piece of shit commercial. Fuck people finding it funny. Fuck the tv executives for letting this run on TV. Fuck the patriarchal society we live in. Fuck sexism and misogyny being an accepted thing. Fuck the stereotype that women are stupid and weak. Fuck how women are judged upon their looks and treated like objects. Fuck Denmark for making this commercial. Fuck how all this is making me so angry that I almost cry.

And no, I am not overreacting. I am sick of being told that, by everyone, and especially by men. This is my journal, and these are my feelings. If you think that I shouln't be upset by this, then kindly gtfo of this post, or explain yourself. If you don't think that this reinforces stereotypes that women have suffered from, for so many years,  then I would love to hear why and what the punchline of this commercial actually is.

ETA: I'm sorry if this is not translated properly, I did my best.

sexism, rant, i hate everything, anger, louise is angry, evil feminazis goez crazy, politics, opinion post, denmark, feminism, rage, wtf, what is this fuckery, no fuck no!, misogyny

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