Ficlet Requests - SMUT

Feb 14, 2008 20:10

Alright guys, I am bored and will be free for a few days. So I am open for ficlet requests until Monday (18th).
Now - this is for SMUT. I want to write filthy dirty SMUT. I am even going to (for the first time ever) be open to het. pairings. Keep in mind that I have never written Het smut before. I am not taking femslash requests. I will not write M/F incest. I WILL write M/M incest but NOT father/son. But brothers, uncles and cousins are fine.
But other then that I will write ANY pairing you want. Kinks are great, bring them on.

My Fandoms:
Dr. Who*
Tin Man
If you want something for another fandom you can ask if I've seen/read it and I'll see what I can do.

Just list the fandom, pairing and the prompt. The prompt can be anything, a kink, a place, a situation, a word, a song lyric. Anything. And I will write you up a quick smutty ficlet.
* If someone wants to request some hot Master/anyone smut I will be all over that like white on rice.

EDIT - To those last few people waiting for their smut, I WILL GET IT TO YOU. I swear. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I'm going out of town tomorrow and probably wont have internet access but I will write your stories as soon as possible.

dr. who, torchwood, smut, heroes, ficlet requests, tin man

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