Title: Untitled
Author: Lovemyfaceoff
Prompt #: 46 Princess Bride
Pairings: Mylar
Rating: PG
Summary: “I don't have breasts.”
Word Count: 54
“You know,” Sylar remarks as Mohinder has the knife poised over his own heart, “There is a shortage of perfect breasts in the world. It would be a shame to ruin yours.”
Mohinder turns around and gives Sylar a withering glare. “I don't have breasts.”
Sylar shrugs. “Yes well, it's still a good line.
Title: Fascinating
Author: Lovemyfaceoff
Prompt #: 32 Watch
Pairings: Mylar
Rating: PG
Summary: “ You are quite like a watch Mohinder “
Word Count: 63
“I want to know how you work Mohinder,” Sylar purred into his ear. “Not in the way I want to know how people like your little Molly work. It's different,” He winds his fingers through Mohinder's hair, pulling his head back slightly. “I just want to know how you fit together. You are quite like a watch Mohinder. Delicate, precise, beautiful. It's fascinating.”