Apr 07, 2005 04:31
tuesday was amazing.
after school i came home got ready and what not then went and picked molly up and went to winners. It was PACKED, so we walk in walk around scope it out to see if we see anyone and we saw sarah so we went and said hey and stood around there then casey started talking to me hahahaha. yeah then i saw shane and he was like i didnt think you were comingg. umm i cant really remember what i did after that..saw zack, brianna and mike and his friend .. AND kooter so i talked to him for awhile then aromor for sleep was going on so me molly and shane were pushing kids to get away from this kid that smelled sooo bad. so armor started playing we started a push pit shane put me up and threw me so i crowd surrfed :)then after they were done we went outside and what not then a whole bunch of other stuff happened i just cant remember so then mae was going on so me shane molly and brianna went up to watch them but then brianna and molly left us so we just chilled up there watching emm. shane almost fell asleep haha but then summer time came on and shane threw down with these other kids so then i forgot what happend untill the starting line came on shane jeff brianna and i were standing with these guys and talking to them then i relized that i knew one ! haha it was prettyy funny...um.. so once the starting line started i got thrown up after shane came back from being thrown up yeuh bitches 1st girl to be up for starting liinee so then i saw meghan and ary! and i hada fight back into the crowd pushed around got pushed around got thrown up x15 haha then matt and shane threw down the kids with tthem didnt know what they were doing i was getting very angry and when they were changing songs i hada tie my shoe so matt blocked me, thank god haha. umm.. so yes rocked out hardcore and now im home sick and it sucks but this weekend i think im going BOWLING haha with shane jeff and some other kidss woot woot.