Feb 21, 2023 18:13
I've read on the local digital news today that a certain congressman present a House Bill delisting cannabis as dangerous drug, substance to the lawmakers and made a list of benefits to the people and government itself. Ain't that a good news? As I was reading it, I remember back then 2 years ago, I did have a pending personal project before regarding an app. I wanted to design an app from logo design to UI of an app. An app like Weedmaps or Leafly, but my version for Phil. market if ever Cannabis is legalized to PH. I remembered back then I had an American client who gave me a tasks to create icons for their ripoff version of weedmaps. LOL. But I realize how cringe they think of their User Interface design. I mean, I guess it's their app. So since I am a designer myself, I decided to create my own version and a clean one. Weedmaps and Leafly UI is such a great inspirations. It's clean, minimal and I like it that way. But it's just the app design. Developing an actual app is the problem but anyways, I still want to continue the UI/UX of it. Because I think it has potential once or if ever legalization happens here in PH. And I do hope so or I am looking forward to it. The apps design, flow and feel. I guess I have to start learning the Figma software again. I also started doing some art sketching again recently. I was inspired to those hobby artist that I am following in Twitter.