Been kind of busy lately and just yesterday I had my 2nd Covid Vaccine boost and it's Pfizer. When I had my 1st Covid Vaccine, it was Astrazeneca brand. The first time I experience the side effect, I had to take a leave of absent because the vaccines' side effect kicked in just few hours after vaccination in the morning and it got me feel so hot or like having a fever and dizzy effect as if you're fighting gravity against or towards your bed. Then few months after that, the 2nd Vaccine, this time the side effect doesn't do much to me until the 3rd (which is the 1st Vaccine boost and still Astra brand). Same effect from the first one but a little mild. And just yesterday, my 2nd Vaccine boost, my boss warned me that it has strong side effect and I should buy a meds for it when side effect kick-in.
I was vaccinated earlier yesterday like 9am onwards and the side effect kicked-in 2am onwards today. I thought at first I was safe from it but nope, and yes, my boss is right about it. It has a stronger side effect. The part of shoulder where I got injected was kind of swollen too and it limits me to move or lift it. I have to message my boss that I will take a leave of absent again because she knows I got vaccinated earlier and I'm so thankful for having an understanding boss. Up until now while I am writing this journal, I am still feverish and having a slight of dizzy too. I wish this would be the last time to be vaccinated. Or else I might turn into a walking dead the next time. The funny part was when I am heading back to my apartment after vaccination, I didn't notice I pressed a different floor like, wtf?! I almost insert my key to a wrong unit and most likely if it happened, the door might opened and people might suspect me for a burglar *awkward* LOL and the most awkward part is that there's a camera right along the hallway. I just don't know where my mind is during that time and how or why did I pressed a different floor in the elevator.
I also wished that my mother didn't got vaccinated as it may have affected her weak heart when she was alive. That's what my father thought of back then.
Life is..