May 13, 2007 08:36

I am HAPPY! I haven't felt this happy in... like, ever. It's like I have reached a new level of happiness and I have nothing to compare it to. Did anything drastic happen? No, not really. I moved about 2 weeks ago. The moved was fantastic. The best move I've ever made - smoothly handled, and the new place is orgasmic - and it didn't stress me out. The boy and I are doing swell. I am still finding stimulation in my job (on Thurs I flew to Mtrl for the day on business, I felt so... professional). I'm excited about the future in general. I can't complain at all. This post may be too sugary for some tastes, but it's good to acknowledge such feelings, I find. I hope this post will make you smile and maybe some of my mood will rub off on you too!
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