May 25, 2004 22:40
Man i am tired.
Guess what, I got a job. It is so boring. I sit in front of a computer and do like website stuff. it is boring.
My days as of now are pretty sucky.
1.) Get up
2.) Eat breakfast
3.) Do the dishes
4.) Go to math class
5. Come home
6.) Go to work
(sometimes i somewhere in betwwen here - ie. Church, bible study)
7.) Come home do the dishes
8.) Go to sleep
I kinda sucks but hey, after thast first paycheck, i'm sure it will all be more worth while, but still heck butt boring.
Mark is cool. I will have a pretend conversation with him.
Peter : Hey Mark, guess what?
Mark : What?
Peter : Chicken butt, hahahahaha
Mark : hahahaha
Peter : seriously though, guess what?
Mark : What?
Peter : I cut all my hair off.
(Mark faints, hits his head on the ground and begins to bleed)
(Peter pukes)
(Mark wakes up and pukes too)
Mark : Dude, your puke made me puke
Peter : I know
something.......something.......something.........and to all a good night.