May 27, 2011 14:01
As if I don't have enough to worry about with the one in my room...
Friday is garbage day around here, and if the garbage men haven't collected the trash by the time I fetch the papers in the morning, I'll leave the bins outside until the mail has come. Sometimes there's only the recycling bins, and I'll go out the front door, but if we have more than one garbage bag we'll use the can, and I'll go through the garage, since that's where we keep the can. Today, dad used the can.
So I go to the garage and open the door, and to my surprise there's this little bird sitting on the driveway maybe a foot from the door. The sound of the door usually is enough to send the skittish birds away, but this one nonchalantly sat there, like that was its spot and it wasn't moving. I watched it while I walked slowly to the driveway, waiting to see it fly, but still it sat there. It didn't seem hurt, yet it didn't leave even when I approached it. I crouched down and could see it looked fairly young, like it still had some fluffy baby feathers, and its breast feathers were a mix of yellow and dark, not the red-breast of its fellow robins. Even with me just a few feet away, the bird just looked at me, didn't budge, despite some other bird calling out warnings. Another robin came by when I asked where its mother was, figuring this was a little guy who'd lost his way. After a few moments, he ended up flying away--so there wasn't anything wrong with you. Weird. And I've suddenly remembered that this has happened before with a similar bird. Apparently we have semi-tame robins flying around our neighborhood. Maybe they know about our bird and think we're okay people; I don't know. It's a little disconcerting, but at least the birds are able to fly. There are predators around, you know.