Dec 24, 2007 18:49
My love of reading and absorbing all sorts of timely, topical information is combined into newspapers. I really dislike hearing that the printed news media is going out of style (yes, I realize that should be "are," technically, since the word media is plural, but then again having any sort of grammar skills when publishing something also appears to be going out of style, so it fits). Consider, number one, that I can't always get online. Our wireless connection isn't the greatest as of late. Plus, with the weather we've been having, there's always a chance that the power could go out. That would mean television news would not be a possibility. With the newspaper, it's portable and you don't need power to use it. Plus, you're able to cover far more stories than even an hour-long newscast can, and typically there's more information given to you in an article than in a TV news blip. Plus, there's comics and sudoku and crossword puzzles and horoscopes--usually all in the same area, too--so the general entertainment factor is high for me.
My only problem is that there's usually so much that I want to read, and not enough time to read it, that the newspapers pile up. There's definitely one time of year when it's really bad, when I go to camp, because I won't allow that week's newspapers to be pitched until I have a chance to look them over. Really, it's like I missed a week of the world because we're oblivious to almost everything when we're out there; I have to play catch-up. Now that I'm working full-time, I don't have as much time as I did before to leisurely read through the stacks of papers. I play catch-up on the weekends, but by mid-week I'm back to having stacks. Yet I couldn't imagine stopping either one of the two main papers I receive. I really just need to better manage my time. Either that, or take a speed-reading course.
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