Apr 10, 2007 21:03
Man, my brain is extra flaky these days. I'd blame it on the sugar from the Easter candy, but I was like this last week, too. Anyway.
When the mail finally came today, virtually everything was for me. Holy crap! I mean, seriously--the first six pieces I looked at had my name on them. There were only eight total, plus a wrap-around advertisement. Whoa. And, stranger still, there appeared to be two cards in there. One was initially made out to some strange address, like the nearby retirement community. Huh? Well, they were both from the same place--the EEG people at the hospital. Oh, no way. How nice. I *knew* the EEG lady was awesome. Both cards were signed the same way, but at least they had different pictures.
Other mail:
I am pre-approved for another credit card.
I can get my MBA from Elmhurst College.
Apparently my student loans are officially paid off. (I inadvertently overpaid; I was hoping it was my check from them. No.)
I got an invitation to a wedding shower. It's for a high school friend I haven't seen in years, though I talk to her on occasion. She's up in Zion now, and that's where the shower will be held. My trepidation in going is due to location...and purchasing of a gift. I've never had to worry about that before. I have to sit on this for a few days. Oh, trust me, I'd like to go; I just have to strategize, I guess you could say.
high school,