More good news/bad news: photos

May 06, 2006 21:22

Well, my scanner is working again. That's the good news. The bad news is that I'm having issues cutting and pasting the Last Supper picture (it was going fine until Photoshop suddenly wouldn't let me use the Eraser feature...hmm...), so no Last Supper for now. Check back tomorrow.

However, I do have some pics to share!
My weird little bird:

We have Kirby on the vacuum (unposed) and Kirby on the pile of laundry (posed, only because I wanted to make sure there were decent clothes in the picture). He loves to fly onto my floor and then crawl around and climb on things. I know he likes the sound the vacuum makes, so that's why I think he climbs on that. As for laundry, maybe it just feels soft and warm on his little claws? Who knows. But he'll stay there for hours if I'll let him.

And one from the wedding:

One of these girls is not like the others...
Actually, it's me with the bridesmaids. From left: Emily, Jessica, Libby, Jen, Christie. This was taken right as we were leaving, and these poor girls had no idea what was going on, they were so exhausted. I had one last picture on that roll, I wanted a picture with them, so I cajoled them into it.

It reminds me of this picture, seeing how three of the same people were in it:

(These pictures were taken eleven years apart.)

I'm probably not going to put more wedding pics up aside from the Last Supper, so if you're curious as to what people looked like, Frank had a link on his journal.

kirby, wedding, pictures, family, high school, photoshop, friends, nick & heather

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