Tech upgrades at work (or, another handy possibility)

Jan 29, 2025 21:30

We've slowly been getting certain upgrades at work, and my workstation was the most recent one to get upgraded--mine, and the office manager's; this happened over the weekend. I came in to find a shiny new operating system, I suppose you could say. It's so much faster. Del's workstation was already upgraded, so at least how it looked wasn't super jarring to me; we have our primary stations, but we are able to use both. The office manager got an equipment upgrade as well, including a new monitor which, like him, is very tall. He's actually thrown off by it, even though he'd be the best fit for that one. He was joking about craning his neck to be able to see it. Dude, you're over 6' tall. The rest of us are like 5'10" at best.

Probably the biggest issue came with my email. I use Outlook, and that got upgraded, and it's *totally* different. I am having to make sure I really pay attention to what I'm doing so I don't, say, send a blank email because I'm looking to pop it out as a separate window. I'm getting used to that, so it's not too bad, but something weird happened and my inbox got messed up. One, it duplicated all new emails going back to 1-1-25, including spam. And two, it dredged up a bunch of supposed junk emails going all the way back to 2013! How??? I thought you were permanently deleted.

The better part about that is that not everything marked as being junk really was. I found emails from clients in there, scattered throughout the true junk and spam. A number of those were labeled "bulk," because they were sent to more than one person. As in, if there were two people getting sent the email, it was considered bulk. I had something like 4050 junk emails and it was tedious going through them to make sure they truly were junk. In doing email upgrades in the past, I've discovered that I should just file away anything and everything that seems real. If something appears to be a duplicate, and I delete it, I delete all versions of it. That's annoying. So, I'd rather have two copies of an email rather than none. Then again, I did something weird and ultimately deleted everything in the junk folder from 2015 and before without really vetting it, but given that it's all 10 years old at this point, I think I'll be okay.

This may also have been another reason my right hand acted up Monday night, since I was doing *so* much mouse work. That took up a good portion of my day, trying to sort through the BS emails to find the legit ones. I mean, that's part of my regular day, but it was a bear to get rid of the old stuff, move the duplicates into another folder, try to figure out what I'd already taken care of, and *then* set about going through the remainder. Even today, two days later, I was still sorting through things, ugh. But I think I'm back to stasis with that. Two other related items that needed fixing were my calendar, which did at least get restored--phew; I live by that thing--and my email signature, which did not from what I can tell. That's easy enough to redo but a pain that I have to do it.

work, computer

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