Jul 09, 2024 20:31
Our nearby neighbors have been busy.
Behind us: By the weekend, we saw the husband for the first time since...whatever happened. He's using a walker and favoring his right leg, but there isn't a cast or boot or anything. I'm glad to see it was something potentially minor and not a stroke or heart attack or something of the sort. Also...we've only seen one dog. We've not seen Gabbie the gray dog at all as of late. She had to have been pretty old, as even Sully is close to 10 at this point and she was close to being that old when they got Sully. She'd been walking roughly for a bit, too, so if she has passed, it wouldn't be a surprise.
South neighbors: They've been doing some yard work recently, and suddenly there was this tarp over the landscaping at the corner of their house. Dad and I started joking that maybe it would be a naked peeing Cupid statue. I think they're just digging up whatever was growing there, but that was an amusing thought. Also, it looks like they are getting a new fence. The one they had is the original one from the very first owners; the current ones are the fourth family to have lived in this house. One of the posts has bowed and the fence, at least the part we share, is not in great shape. I think they'll be getting a privacy fence, like what we have in the rest of the yard. That will be weird after all this time since that's the one yard we can easily glance into, but I'm sure we'll live. And dad will hang more tchotchkes around.
Northwest neighbors, AKA the boys' house: We think they got a second dog. I suppose it's an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" situation since the next two houses each had two dogs, at least until Gabbie suddenly disappeared. I'm hoping she just went to a farm... Anyway, they've had Marley the black lab for a few years now and I could hear the husband talking to apparently a second animal, and there was different, higher-pitched barking. I haven't gotten a visual on the second dog but I'm curious as to what it is.
North neighbors: The husband there officially retired a couple weeks ago. Dad celebrated by giving him some homemade hooch. This was back on the hot Saturday where we were working on the yard, and we kept seeing that neighbor, but he kept going off and running his own errands. Finally my dad was able to give him a jar of his limoncello. See, he gives it to everyone. But yeah. Of the five people between our house and theirs, I'm the only one working. Boo.