Jun 03, 2023 20:49
Dad asked me to help out in the yard today, so I spent a few hours back there this afternoon. He was busy building a long box frame to go behind the shed. I don't know that he's settled on what he's doing back there, but I've suggested a butterfly garden. Meanwhile, he asked me to clear out the side of the house, where we grow the vegetables. We had old chicken wire cages and things there, plus weeds, so I worked on that; it didn't take that long. He then asked for help in getting the box in place. It runs the width of the shed and comes out maybe 3-4 feet. It's open on the bottom, and that's where the trouble came in. He wanted it to sit flat on the ground but there was a tree root under one corner. He used multiple tools to try and cut that out. (He then insisted the root was pretty dry so it likely won't affect the tree.) The box still wasn't level and I went, rather than try to remove the dirt under the higher part, why not add more dirt where it's too low? That's what he ended up doing. Once those were done, he had me put down landscape fabric under the kitchen and dining room windows, then cover it with mulch. We're not going to plant anything there this year; he'll probably put some planters there.
Once done--and, well, a few times during--we relaxed on the deck. Our newest form of entertainment is the repaired birdbath, which has been staying on the patio since he fixed it. There was a crack in there and it wouldn't hold water. Now, the birds visit it regularly. There was a very happy blackbird constantly calling as it hopped around and drank from it. Dad often sees a robin bathing there. I got to see it today, plus the robin getting upset at a little finch who'd stopped by to have a drink. Dad mentioned the big birds bully the little birds and I got to see that. I've mentioned how hot and dry it's been; the birds really seem to appreciate the water source. The other item he's thinking about fixing is the hummingbird feeder. It's been dripping onto the deck, to the point where he finally took it down. It's been amusing to watch the chipmunks and squirrels licking the sugar water off the deck, though. And we appear to have a chipmunk with anxiety issues, as both of us have now heard one freaking out under the deck. It's pretty wild. My experience happened last weekend, like Chippy was freaked out to encounter me sitting out there eating. I don't know that dad was doing anything unusual, probably just existing, but he also heard Chippy squealing as well. They're normally not that vocal. Aside from the little chips, we've not heard them at all. It's all amusing and we're really enjoying everything. Also, I saw a blue jay out there the other day, over by the dog house. I may have seen it today as I thought I saw a flash of blue fly by but I can't be sure. Blue jays are pretty rare around here so that was pretty special.