Feb 16, 2023 07:30
I activated my phone last year on 2-13, which coincided with Super Bowl Sunday. It worked well for several months, then in July it underwent an update that caused me to not get internet on it unless I was connected to wifi. Home was fine, work was fine, but no place else. I tried several troubleshooting measures to no avail, and on Labor Day I started a text conversation with Tracfone to see if they could help. When I was told to restart the phone, I lost the text chain--and my phone still didn't work.
Fast-forward, and my phone has been through several more updates. It would work for about a day, then bupkis. I keep wanting to open a service ticket for them to look into it further but I forget. Again, it's not a problem at home or work, but if I were to get into trouble out and about, I'd have no way to look up anything. That's potentially frustrating. One thing I have noticed about my phone, which has 5G capability, is that the 5G has always been grayed out. Like, other things will be bright white showing they're active or on, but the 5G part? Not so much.
Then, while at work on Monday--exactly one year after activation--here came another update, only it gave me an update code once done. I haven't seen that before. As usual, I tried to get online after the update--and it worked in the back building. The wifi signal is weak enough back there that only the two computers are attached somehow; my phone won't work there or even in my car. At band, I made sure to try it there--and again, it worked. The difference was that in the back building, the 5G was highlighted; at band, it was 4G. Don't care. It worked. Now, the trick was to give it a few days, and I did, and it's still working. I tried it in my car last night and I had to turn off wifi to see it, but yes. I had 5G still. I'm cautiously optimistic that my phone finally is okay...at least until the next update.