I've been thinking about adding to my icon. I would say "icons," but I have just the one. And, especially now that we all can have a minimum of six, it kind of makes sense to go ahead and break down and get some more.
In the past 24 hours, I've come up with these. Tell me what you think:
I saw "not listening" in the paper a while ago, but it took me FOREVER to play around with it. Stupid lack of Photoshop skills. "No cookie" was inspired by me being bad yesterday. I'm not completely thrilled with how it turned out, but I like the concept of it. I may play around with it some more. I was just glad that I was able to do it fairly quickly. And Fred Sanford? I was reminded of him this morning while watching Channel 9.
So, I'd love some feedback, and since I have room for two more icons, what else do you think I should do? I'm open to suggestions.