Lots of things need straightening out these days

Mar 25, 2022 21:34

Last Friday, my father tripped over the cord for his laptop and wrenched his back. It was bad enough that he went to the chiropractor on Monday. He'd last gone back in 2016, after he hurt his back moving all of Papa's decent crap home with us. He felt so much better after just that first adjustment, but he went back on Wednesday as well, and he'll go back one more time, but not for a week or so as the chiropractor is on vacation.

I could tell he'd left the house on Wednesday just by looking at his car. Dad's gotten really sloppy with his parking, especially if my car's not there as a guide; he backs into his spot. It's not unusual for me to have to sort of go around his car to get to my parking spot. He's supposed to park on the extension, and I park next to him up by the garage, with an open space to let mom out as she's the only one parking inside. The other day, he was half a car width over from the extension, and parked on an angle, so that his front wheels were pointing toward my space. I got to the driveway and was like, okay, what do I do now? Do I park in front of his car because I can't get to my space? Do I block mom in and park in front of her side of the garage? I ended up calling the house from my car to see if mom had any plans in the morning; she did not and said to go ahead and park in front of her.

When I got inside, dad excitedly told me that he'd gotten an adjustment; I went, you need to adjust your car! He insists he was parked just fine and I'm just whiny. No, what I need to do is paint lines on the pavement so he knows where his spot is. He's not always the most observant person. Having a physical reminder of where his car needs to be may make a difference.

(Meanwhile, this post was brought to you by the random muscle in the center top of my foot that decided to cramp up as I was writing this. There's nothing like discovering the obscure muscles in your lower limbs than by having them painfully seize up.)

injury, driving, bad back

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