I had an epic dream last night, one where I cannot fully explain where it came from, but I feel the need to share it. It's just that bizarre. I should also note that I came across an article about Zillow Gone Wild, which shares unusual houses for sale; it was about
a house in Oak Brook that is filled with mirrors. (It's in a nice location, too--near 88 and the mall.) I think that played into part of the dream. And a certain soloist from band perhaps played into another part?
I'm in some sort of city, like a downtown area. Buildings are close together and multiple stories tall, but not skyscrapers. I am looking for Mr. C's younger granddaughter. In real life, she had played trumpet; in the dream, she plays French horn, and she has a single and I need to get her a double (basically an upgraded instrument), and when I find her, she is now driving; I guess I am teaching her how to drive. Let's say she's roughly 16.
She drives to her home, which is not her actual home but is much bigger and more opulent. We're at a memorial for Mr. C. Tons of people are there and it's almost like a cocktail party. At some point I get up to leave and I go to this table to grab my water bottle. This is in some sort of, I don't know, parlor or living room area, yet it also has a dining table that seats 6 in it, in front of several rows of couches, I want to say. As I get to the table where I'd had a corner seat, I realize Tiger Woods is across from that seat. Like, oh wow, Mr. C knew a lot of people. It was as I was walking away that part of me was like, I should take a picture, but I mean, I'm at a service; it's not appropriate and it would be rude. I'll have to settle for a memory. As I'm looking for a bathroom, I go into another room, like maybe the kitchen, where there are people sitting around the island, and Barack Obama is there. I mean, this is an impressive gathering. You'd think a celebrity had died.
Now I'm in this hallway that sort of curves around a corner. There's a guy looking for the bathroom as well, and we discover there's a powder room on the left, on the inner side of the house, and another bathroom on the right, much larger. The guy goes into the powder room and I go into the bigger one, which is the sort of bathroom you'd find attached to a primary bedroom situation, except it's basically part of the living room. And it's glass-enclosed. ...What is this about. I notice there are these frosted panels I can slide around to cover the glass, but there are five of them and it takes some time to maneuver them. Meanwhile, some little kid comes up to the glass and starts peering inside. Hello, parent, can you keep your kid away from here? I have to pee. I think the mom was outside and I opened the door--like a glass shower door--and made that request. Eventually I got all the frosted panels in place and could use the bathroom in peace, but I think the dream ended before I could do my business, heh. The walls of the bathroom sort of curved around, so that through one side, facing forward, you could look out and see the windows at the front of the house, then it angled and the other side, to my right if I had been on the toilet, faced the hallway where the powder room was, though I should say it was more like a pathway around the curve of the powder room; there weren't specifically walls there. It was like there was tile or something creating a path through the carpeting. Think like you're in a department store with separated sections. The powder room at least was walled off, and perhaps going further down the hall led you to rooms with walls, but I didn't really look that far.
...I don't think I ate anything out of the ordinary last night to lead my brain to do this, but perhaps I'm just sleep deprived and my brain is breaking. Entirely possible. I've been off kilter for a few weeks now.