Jan 04, 2022 07:29
Yesterday was a scheduled day off from Regular Band; our original plan was to go back next week. Then, I heard from someone last week who told me, oh, it got pushed back a week to the 17th! She'd seen an email earlier that same day about it; I'd been working. And then yesterday, I checked my email and the city has closed the band building for the month of January. I do not have Regular Band until about the 7th of February. Not gonna lie, it's kind of nice to have that break--not only do I get to go home on Monday nights, but I can focus on my Fancy Band music. We got it a few weeks ago and I've been working on it. Fancy Band is still scheduled to go back on Thursday. The one big concern I have is the frigid cold; we're not supposed to get out of the teens that day. Now, granted, Dr. K sent out an email and we are required to wear masks as well as do the symptom checker again; we were doing that once band started in August, but after a few weeks he stopped sending the link. I kept doing it for a bit until my phone wouldn't load the page. Fancy Band is on a tight schedule so I'm hoping it doesn't get canceled. With Regular Band, people were complaining about not having a calendar for the year. Yes, because the name of the game is flexibility. At this rate, we'll likely have to cancel one of our concerts, but we'll see.