Personality info...or, how crazy am I?

Jan 29, 2006 21:30

Screw an actual update; this is more interesting.

I could have guessed on the obsessive-compulsive, but the other one?

DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:ModerateSchizoid Disorder:HighSchizotypal Disorder:ModerateAntisocial Disorder:LowBorderline Disorder:LowHistrionic Disorder:ModerateNarcissistic Disorder:ModerateAvoidant Disorder:LowDependent Disorder:LowObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High
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-- Personality Disorders --

Now, because I'm anal-retentive--I mean, obsessive-compulsive--here's their definitions of the two where I rate high. (But remember, I'm not anti-social.)

Schizoid Personality Disorder
What is Schizoid Personality Disorder?
Quick Summary:

People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. Unlike avoidants, schizoids genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact. Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived by others as humorless and distant and often are termed "loners."
Symptoms of Schizoid Personality Disorder:

* Weak interpersonal skills
* Difficulty expressing anger, even when provoked
* "Loner" mentality; avoidance of social situations
* Appear to others as remote, aloof, and unengaged
* Low sexual desire
* Unresponsive to praise or criticism

Ed. note: I guess I can see some of these to some degree, but not totally. I have good people skills and get told that by complete strangers. And I express my anger quite well, thank you. I do tend to hate people, so I'll agree with #3. Working retail unfortunately has reinforced that. And I can appear aloof until you get to know me. I have to want to let you in, and I have to know that you have more than two brain cells to knock together. Number five, well, that's not for me to share. ;) And I'm not unresponsive to how people perceive me and talk to me about myself, but I don't like it if people go overboard with praise. Okay, okay, I'm good at something. Let it go and move on.

Additional Information:

It is important to distinguish schizoid from avoidant. Avoidants will feel anxiety in social situations and have the desire to fit in, while schizoids simply prefer to be alone. It is occassionally difficult to distinguish between schizoid and Asperger's, as well.

This disorder is diagnosed more frequently and is often more severe among males. Schizoids usually do not seek treatment on their own and are often coaxed into it by a loved one.
Books Related to Schizoid Personality Disorder

Party of One: The Loner's Manifesto
"Self-reliant, each loner swims alone through a social world-a world of teams, troops and groups-that scorns and misunderstands those who stand apart. Loners know better than anyone how to entertain themselves-and how to contemplate and to create. They have a knack for imagination, concentration, inner discipline, and invention-a talent for not being bored."

All right--those of you who've known me for any decent length of time, what do you think of that analysis? Spot on, partially right, or someone's head is up someone's ass? I'll agree with the loner bit. Hello, I'm the girl that only talks to people online, and lately that's only been through LJ. But I can totally be social. I think you all have seen that. And I work retail, so I can't completely be antisocial. I will say, though, that there are times when it's hard for me to get out from behind the counter at work. Anyway, I'm curious as to what people think about that.


Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCDP)
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder?
Quick Summary:

While Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder (OCDP) sounds similar in name to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder, the two are markedly different disorders. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.
Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder:

* Need for perfection and excessive discipline
* Preoccupation with orderliness
* Inflexibility
* Lack of generosity
* Hyper-focus on details and rules
* Excessive devotion to work

Ed. note: Um, yeah. Except for that last one. And you guys wonder why I call myself anal-retentive...or maybe you don't.

Additional Information:

The potential for improvement with treatment is better for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder than for other personality disorders. A combination of medication and therapy tends to yield positive results.

When I saw this test, and I saw that OCDP (and why isn't it OCPD???) was listed, I knew automatically that it would show up as "high" for me. Consider that I warn every new person at work about how anal I am. If you know that, you tend to understand where I come from, and after that all is good. But also realize that with my anal-retentiveness comes an attention to detail that no one else has. When you work for a company like mine, and for the DM and new RM I have, and with the auditors that come to visit us, it pays to have someone like me on staff. I am the system of checks and balances. I am the person that knows lots. I tend to make very few mistakes, and when I do make mistakes it's because I stop paying attention. (Wait, and I'm only moderate on Narcissistic?) I don't like other people doing my job because nobody can do it better. I don't consider that a bad trait on my part. Other people might, but that doesn't bother me. (Oh, and I'm not like this on everything, and I don't think this hinders me or my production. I'm anal when I need to be. You took that in a dirty way, didn't you?)

anal-retentiveness, memes

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