My journal is so old, it would graduate from high school next year.
So here we are, the 17th anniversary of the creation of this journal. I was in my mid-20s when I created it, still hopeful of a bright future. Nearly two decades later, I'm a cynical, middle-aged woman who, frankly, is not in the best mindset to write a hopeful post. Though I will say having a journal is similar to having a very cheap therapist. It helps me talk through things, even if I'm oblique about them.
Let's look at some stats.
This is my 6,866th post. I've written a lot more in the past year than in recent years, simply because I've been home and able to. I have written at least one post a day, every single day, since March 11, 2020. Prior to that, I'd typically miss one or two days a week due to my schedule.
I'm using the same math I did last year:
6866 posts divided by 17 years = 403.88 posts per year (up from 401.25 last year)
403.88 divided by 12 months in a year = 33.66 posts per month (up from 33.44 last year)
403.88 divided by 365 days in a year = 1.11 posts per day (up from 1.10 last year)
Woo! I am up from last year,
as predicted.
There is a part of me that wants to keep this streak going, like perhaps I start doing some scheduled posts for the days I know I'll be gone. I often have dumb little things that I want to remember but don't need to be posted on a particular date. Come fall, I'll be gone at least two nights a week, or at least that's the plan. If my schedule otherwise doesn't change, I will have next to zero chance to do much of anything on those days, which really sucks and I am not looking forward to that, but I have some time still before that kicks in. I'm just amazed I've been keeping this up. It allows me to share my thoughts without really sharing them with people, the way a more prominent or active place would. I'm okay hanging out by myself. If someone wanders by, great! If I'm left alone, that's fine too. It's quiet here. I like that.