Jan 26, 2021 21:12
I've been meaning to reach out to Mrs. S about solo contest. I haven't talked to her since last year and I've wondered how she's been doing, how teaching has been going, what that's been like, etc. Private schools in the area have been in person in many cases, and some places have been doing band, whether in person or via Zoom. While I'm wary about doing a contest in person, I'd still like to help out if possible.
I got a kick in the pants about this yesterday: The manager at work is taking off Saturday the 13th, and could I work it for him? I said I wanted to check to see about solo contest, because I'd normally do that this time of year. Truthfully, it would more likely be on the 6th, but I'd rather ask and be sure. I ended up emailing Mrs. S last night.
She did get back to me and appreciated hearing from me. Yes, she's teaching, but no wind instruments are allowed in school per the archdiocese. That makes sense. She was looking to do some sort of contest, likely recorded, and she mentioned finishing up with that around March/by spring break. I let her know I was willing to help out, but my technology is limited; I said I could still access YouTube, and that I had some access to Google files as well (she has my Yahoo address, but my other main one is a Gmail account).
At least I have some information on that, and it looks like I can work on the 13th. I lost over 400 hours of work last year (yes, I kept track), and while I'm working regularly, I'm still down an hour each day from this time last year. Every little bit helps. Especially if I ever want to upgrade my tech, right?
Semi-related, I did reach out to the other band director whose contest I judge; this was back a couple weeks ago. I haven't heard back from him. I don't know what's happening but the district is one of the least affluent in the area and through the grapevine, it sounds like they've had a tough go of things this school year. I don't know that they'd have a solo contest, but again, I'd be willing to work with them if I hear anything. I might give it another week and reach out again. Their contest is usually at the end of February so I still have some time.
solo contest