Mar 31, 2020 21:26
We are in the process of prepping the family room to get it painted. Dad has been wanting to do this for a while--in a way, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet--and, until I return to work, he even has a partner.
...Well, okay, he got pissy at me yesterday because I asked if he was going to put two coats of paint on the doors he was working on. I am a firm believer in two coats of paint, owing to several places around the house that only got one and look crappy/dirty. This is the part of the house that gets the most use. I understand that it's more work and costs more money, but in the long run it'll look great. Suck it up, buttercup. But anyway, after that, he didn't really speak to me yesterday. It was kind of a long day.
Lucky for him, he snapped out of it today. After lunch yesterday, I'd started clearing off this baker's rack mom has stacked with cookbooks (Regis and Kathie Lee, anybody?). I was in the middle of that--and after the door exchange--when dad was all, don't worry about it, don't help with it, except more sweary. I ended up cooking dinner yesterday and got to watch him move some heavy furniture out of the room, refusing any help. Today, though, he acquiesced. Four hands are better than two. He even let me sanitize the five new 27-gallon bins he bought to store all of our (mom's) VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs, BluRays, what have you. We had an instructional video on how to do the Macarena. Because it's hard, apparently.
Dad chucked that stuff into bins because he's thinking about getting rid of our old entertainment center. It's nice and in good shape, but our TV will not fit into it. He asked if I wanted it, but I don't think it'll work for my purposes. Anyway, the Wii was attached to the TV in the center, and dad had mentioned a while ago that he wanted me to take it upstairs. Totally fine, but I was waiting for him to say when. Well, today, he said when. I am very proud of myself for hooking it up and figuring it out all on my own, as I couldn't find the instructions, and now I can weigh myself in the privacy of my room. Sweet. Honestly, the hardest part was figuring out how to get it to appear on my TV, then returning to the regular TV screen; that took a couple minutes of fiddling with unknown buttons on my remote. But I did it. And, I rewarded myself by, uh, testing it out for an hour before I had to make dinner.
So far, dad is doing okay, but mom was feeling under the weather. She's not sure what it is, but she was pretty mucus-y earlier today. She was dusting stuff, part of the cleaning out of the family room and eating area, so there's that, and she'd gone out yesterday and bought a small carton of whipping cream, because why not, and proceeded to make and eat roughly half the container. Remember, she's lactose intolerant like I am. So...this may be the issue. But I'm not sure, and I'm concerned, so I'm keeping an eye on her.