Jan 01, 2019 19:00
I've started re-reading last year's posts in preparation for my end-of-year summary, and I'd heard the weather people talking about the deep freeze we were in at the last turn of the calendar. I honestly had no recollection of how brutally cold it was, other than it being a whole 15F when we went to my cousin's son's birthday party last year. The scary thing is, that was *warm* compared to some of the preceding days! Yikes. This year? Supposed to be near 50F this Saturday, in time for this year's party. Incredible.
I had no plans last night. We had Chinese food--hooray, not ham--and I hung out online prepping the post that will go up shortly. I considered staying up 'til midnight then went, screw it, it's not that big a deal to me. I also recalled how the Chicago NYE shows were absolutely terrible and refused to watch them. Not much was on, so I turned on Dr. Pimple Popper (yes, that's an actual show) and listened to that for a while. It wasn't too bad until she got to the patient with lipomas--growths under the skin--and this dude, like, removed one on his own. The doctor was pretty horrified by it, as was I.
I was mostly asleep around midnight until someone nearby (like neighboring subdivision) started shooting off fireworks for 5-10 minutes. And then I was out until the morning. It was sort of like a weekend morning, where I stayed in bed until about 7:30. I spent much of the morning working on stuff, and into the afternoon as well, so it was nice to have a day where I chilled yet got stuff done. Very low-key, but I'm cool with that.
I don't know if my dad was awake at midnight, but my mom was. She was chatting with my cousin (daughter of Aunt T) and watching Channel 7. Apparently they were in Whiting, IN and watching the pierogi drop. Well, what do you expect from the town that gives us Pierogi Fest? It was probably far more interesting than the downtown Chicago stuff, really, and at least the weather was seasonal.
Back to work tomorrow. In theory, the rest of the week should be slow, but we'll see if that pans out.
new year's eve,