Biscotti Saturday

Dec 08, 2018 18:34

I go back to work on Monday, and I felt like bringing something along. Why not biscotti? 'Tis the season, after all, and I have the time to make it. I decided on just the one batch, the lemon blueberry one I've developed, since baking biscotti is time-consuming and tends to take a bit out of me. Sure, it was still a several-hour commitment, but it moved pretty quickly once I had everything ready to go.

Here's the thing: Something's off. I think in part it could be the lemon extract. Like, it smelled more like alcohol than lemons. Maybe I overmixed the batter. Maybe it's time for new baking powder. Dunno. I can say that when I pulled the loaves out of the oven from the first baking, they'd hardly spread. Mom saw them once they were sliced and went, are there dwarf ones? Yeah. Something'

I followed my baking instructions, which I wrote up last year, and did everything similarly; they still turned out kind of hard. Taste-wise, they're not as lemony as I would have liked, and there's some other flavor note coming through. They're not bad; they're just...not as good as I would have liked. They're still edible and I think my coworkers and family will appreciate them, but I'm not going to save any for Christmas. I can bake regular cookies for then if I want, I suppose.

Okay, better remember to buy all new stuff for next time. Does anyone have a good secondary use for baking powder, by chance?

biscotti, baking

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