It was already a weird day before the conversation with my mother happened.
Again, it was the morning of the super duper blue black blood plasma mustache moon starring Tom Selleck. I woke up too early, after doing so yesterday as well, so it was one of those days where I kept having to tell my brain to function, because it was resisting things. (This is why my brain broke
upon dealing with my mother at dinner.)
My one coworker, the owner's nephew, was especially weird today. While I was warned of that by my young coworker (who, if I never mentioned it, used to date him, so she is fully aware of his bizarre tendencies)--and he confirmed that shortly after by talking about eating baby organs…as in human babies, not animal babies--I'd already gotten a taste (groan, sorry, but I can't think of a better word) of it when he said he'd eaten some sort of concoction last night made by his mother which involved beans and some sort of Portuguese sausage and things weren't…sitting well. Um, great. So what you're saying is to not stand behind you today? Yeah, pretty much. ...Thanks for the warning.
We're hosting a function at work on Friday, and we're taking RSVPs from people. Only two have emailed me, but that's okay; we're not expecting a huge crowd, and it's highly possible some people will just show up. But my boss got a Facebook message from someone saying she'd tried to email the general mailbox, which is the one I use, and three times the message came back. Weird. So my boss was asking if I was getting emails. Yeah, I guess so, though the last one came through at 4:30 yesterday. However, I'd already sent a couple emails by then and they weren't left in the outbox; they'd been sent--including something I'd forwarded to my boss, which he got. Hmm. Weird. And I verified that the woman was sending it to the correct address, because there are easy ways to misspell the email. Nope; he said it looked correct in the message.
We didn't think anything more of it for a while. I had something for a client to pick up, and I tried calling him and his voicemail was full, so I emailed. I know he got it because within a half-hour or so, he came to pick it up; it may not have been that long after, either. After he left, I got a call from my boss on his lunch break: Another client had texted him because he'd gotten my email from that morning, and tried to reply, and couldn't. Hmm. So now I go into my personal Gmail account and attempt to write my work account, and sure enough, I immediately get an error message that it's not accepting incoming mail, something like that. Great. I call our IT guy, who says we need to contact tech support at the software company we use, since email is somehow through them. I spent over 20 minutes on the phone with the guy, who ultimately tells me, oh, yeah, so we changed some things with the email accounts and that's probably why the emails aren't getting though. Most emails should be fine now and if not, they'll come through in 24 hours. …Great? I'd asked if he could send me an email so I could be sure, but he balked at that and repeated that most emails should come through, though apparently not Gmail for some reason (he didn't say that specifically, but when he came in remotely, he saw the Gmail sign-in screen and knew that's what I'd used, and even wrote down my email address since it showed up on the screen to check for the bounced emails or something). Weird. But whatever. And I quickly got proof that the email was working fine: The client who'd been in earlier had emailed with a question about what he'd picked up, so I was sort of like, bless you for emailing about this. I replied to him, and he replied again, so hooray, the email's back to normal. Phew.
And this was the sign that I needed to go home and rest. We have a particular client who will sometimes rent a room from us, but mostly uses other services. She was meeting someone today and stood around talking while waiting for her person. She'd brought a mug that had a design on it, kind of a jaunty, angled yellow thing. My young coworker has a Pikachu mug, and the nephew makes her tea at times and we call the mug Teakachu (hee!), and even though it didn't seem right, I thought perhaps this was another Pikachu travel mug. To my delight, it was actually a coffee cup that said Luke's on it, with Stars Hollow, Connecticut underneath it. But when I went to describe the design to my young coworker, I said the yellow was pink. Oh, God. I know my colors, really. Yeah, time to go home. This was late in my day, but I said to myself, I've got to get out of here as soon as I can. Of course, that didn't happen (hooray for needing to talk to my boss before I left, and for him being on a long phone call that kept sounding like it would end soon and then it didn't), but at least I'm home.
…And how was *your* day?