I had to run to Target today. I'm getting low on food for the bird, and I also needed a phone card. I've also been
contemplating getting a new phone for a few months, and I knew that Target had the phone I wanted on sale. However, I thought the sale ended at the end of August; turns out it *is* still on sale. I took that as a sign and picked one up. (Strangely, the same model of phone is available with a different prepaid company...but for twice the price, and it seemed like it offered *less* stuff with it, if that's possible.) It's a little Nokia, very similar to the phones we had at the music store. They got this huge family plan with phones for everyone, including spouses and the road guys, including one for the front of the store so we could reach the road guys and other people easily. It was actually kind of nice, but it would be weird to have the phone go off while you were with a customer or something similar--I don't think they realized it wasn't a personal phone. Anyway. Tomorrow when I get home from work I'll make all the phone calls needed to start this new one up and transfer the phone number and minutes (hopefully!) from the old phone to the new one. It should work. I'm crossing my fingers.
Also at Target, what I coveted but ultimately did not buy:
~A $5 Halloween shirt that said "Spooky" on it. It was very cute, but I took a pass.
~The $25 "Kitchen in a Box" kit. What an awesome price for an 80-piece kitchen set, AND it's on clearance. The only thing is that I don't have my own kitchen...yet. I considered just buying it in the hopes that I will move in the next few months...who knows...but I don't really have $25 to spend on that. I didn't really have $30 to spend on a phone, either (that's a tank of gas now), but at least the phone might be somewhat useful to me. Not that I'd really use it, mind you, but that it might actually work when I need it to. (Consider that the battery on the old phone hardly keeps a charge...and for the past few months, I've had a hard time getting it to take a charge. I had to play with the phone and the charger just to get it to start charging. That's a pain.)
There was something that seriously disturbed me at Target, but for the life of me I can't recall what.
Oh. Maybe it was the weird kid who was hiding in the pillow display. He was about ten and sitting inside this big pillow rack. I guess his game was over when I spotted him--sorry, didn't know I was playing--as he said something like, rats!, and then tried to get out of the rack.
Your daily Katrina moment:
I caught part of the NBC telethon-ish program. The most memorable part? When Mike Myers and Kanye West were together. Mike was fine. Then Kanye started, and he was clearly emotional and struggled to get through what he wanted to say--it was clear he wasn't going off a script. Mike said something again. Then Kanye--soon to be known as the pride of Chicago--went further off script, 'cause you know this line would never have made it in:
"George Bush hates black people!"
Yes, he did say that.
NBC immediately cut to Chris Tucker (I believe), who was rather bewildered in an "I'm not supposed to be on just yet" sort of way. He, however, did not deviate from the script, at least not in the same way Kanye did.
I wouldn't say Bush hates black people. He's just uncomfortable around them when they've lost their homes, gone five days without food, water, or adequate shelter, and have guns--because he knows he's an idiot for not sending the National Guard in sooner. I know for a fact that at least one Naval ship was ready to go Monday night but didn't get orders to ship out until Wednesday. It takes four days to get from Virginia to Louisiana. We knew the hurricane was coming and was going to devastate the area--why didn't anyone send help sooner, or at least as soon as they knew some of the damage that occurred?
Republicans, who put this man in office for a second term, are you happy with yourselves?
(Of course you are. You're not poor and can afford a house on a hill away from potential floodwaters.)
(Whoa, where did this version of me come from? I'm a little frightened. Who knew I had a political activist hiding in there?)