I have a lot of notes and things that I take with me to camp. For a few years now, I've brought lists on sheets of paper and attached them to a clipboard, which made it easy to carry them around and store them in my bag. I've also had a small notebook so I can jot things down as they happen, which is handy when I want to make comments at the evening counselor meetings or just want to remember something once I get home and write up my journals. However, a few times this year, I'd only had the notebook out at the meetings, and there were things I'd wanted to mention but those notes were on the clipboard. Too bad there wasn't a way to stick notes into the notebook so I could refer to them easily.
After I got home, I decided to peruse the office supply websites to see if there was anything that might fit the bill. Lo and behold, I stumbled upon
discbound notebooks. The whole point of them is to be able to add and subtract what you need as necessary. Better, there's a hole punch so you can add your own sheets to it--meaning I could do exactly as I wanted, take my personal notes and add them to a notebook. This way I can organize everything by day and remove pages when they're no longer necessary. Sweet! I liked that they come in two different sizes, basically a full-size sheet (8.5" x 11") and junior size (roughly 6" x 9"). The junior is still too big for my liking, but I'll compromise for what it offers me. I think the notebook I've been using for camp is more like 4" x 6". It won't be able to fit in the front pocket of my camp bag any longer, but it should be sturdy enough for the back pocket, plus part of the point is for it to take the place of what I store on the clipboard, too. I went with the pink polypropylene cover, since the leather seemed too thick and the poly should be pretty durable. I want something pretty streamlined.
What sealed the deal: Finally being able to get my $10 coupon from my Office Depot/Office Max rewards. Thanks to another member, who commented on the YouTube video attempting to explain how to log in, I learned that you cannot use the link they send in the email saying, hey, you have a coupon! (Why they can't just email the coupon like other retailers, I don't know.) You have to manually get to their website, then attempt to log in. Finally, I was able to sync up everything. Before, it wouldn't let me do anything from the link because my email and phone number were already attached to an account. Yes...MINE. Sigh. So I was really glad to get the coupon, because it was set to expire on the 31st.
At the store, I was planning to get a notebook, a set of dividers, and the hole punch. This has been on my mind for a few days now, to the point where I've already made myself a template in which to put my camp notes. (Frankly, this is the most excited I've been about dealing with camp stuff, so I'm letting myself run with it. Otherwise, it's all kind of overwhelming, and combined with work being busy, I just don't want to deal with it.) Alas, the store had gotten just one hole punch, and it already sold, so that was a downer. The good news is I was able to order it and have it shipped to me for free, so I'm guessing it'll come to my job at some point next week. That's okay. It'll give me time to plan, but until I can see how the margins of the template match up with the hole punch, I don't want to do *too* much with it. And, well, since I was already there, I picked up a few other things. Back-to-school time is totally the time to pick up office supplies. I even got a set of cheap earbuds to keep in my purse. Now I just need to make a little bag for them to keep them from tangling.