The thigh's the limit

Oct 03, 2015 10:26

For at least the past week and a half, I've noticed something odd about my left leg. It's not so much my thigh hurting, but my hip. It's sort of felt like when you feel you need to crack a knuckle, when you think all you need to do is pop that fluid bubble in your body and things will shift and all is well. I have no idea what caused it, either, because while I've been doing a fair amount of standing at work, it shouldn't be *that* much more bothersome, especially because I am conscious of shifting from side to side due to my funky anatomy, which brings me to what it may actually be. I'm pretty sure I have extra stretchy ligaments, or something like that. The flexibility in my legs has been one of my trademarks in my life, not that I've been exercising that in recent years; that may in fact be part of the problem. But anyway, I've had the ability to turn out more than 180 degrees. I have double-jointed hips, which might be due in part to my ligaments allowing things to move beyond where they're technically supposed to. This is speculation, really, since it's not like I've seen a doctor about it, but it makes sense to me. It's also why, when I have to stand for long periods of time, that I make myself aware of what I'm doing, because it's really easy for my hips to pop out of place and then I get sore there. But this, it feels like a tightness when I move certain ways. I don't know if a ligament has gone somewhere it shouldn't have and therefore it's being pulled in a way it's not supposed to, or if it's something else, or if it's honestly my hip. I do know that if I try to sit on the floor and put the bottoms of my feet together and let my knees rest on the ground, I have a hard time doing that with my left leg. That's unusual. I usually have complete range of motion without feeling anything out of the ordinary. Now, I can move my leg for the most part, and I've been trying to do some exercises with it in the hopes that things get back to normal. I'd also wondered if maybe my lack of exercising the way I was in the summer, with all my walking, is playing a part too. Or if maybe there's an issue with my gait, which is also possible. And, there's also the crazy thought, which has to do with my band director. Years ago, when I went back to school, I was constantly getting sick on days I had a class with a particular professor, nauseous, having issues in my abdomen. I would find out that she needed surgery in her abdomen, and after that, I was fine. Weird, right? So now the band director is about to have hip surgery. Is this a coincidence? Had this not happened before, I wouldn't give it another thought, and in that original case, I honestly had no idea what was going on with the teacher until she broke the news; my off-and-on illness had been happening for several weeks by that time. Weird. So, I don't know, but I'm hoping to find a solution.

injury, bumps and bruises, ouchie

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