Jul 08, 2013 18:52
Dad and I got to spend a little time outside on our gardens this weekend--not as much as we'd hoped, but a decent amount nonetheless. You can now see the flowers instead of the weeds in the front, and in the back his fruits and vegetables are really coming along. The lettuce is pretty happy, and he thinks the birds may have scattered the seeds because it's coming up where he's not expecting it. Same with the watermelon; we ended up with a vine apiece in two of our hanging baskets. The strawberry plant finally has flowers and the beginnings of berries on it. The blueberry bush does not, but the fact that it's growing and has leaves on it still fills me with joy. The farthest tomato plant is pretty much dead, a victim of ponding from all the rain we've gotten this season, but the rest of the veggies are doing okay. As for the potted flowers, the moss roses and purslane--hard to tell the difference between the two--are awesome. I love these flowers. They're bright and colorful and are basically little balls of happiness. Dad's morning glories finally bloomed and are attaching their vines to everything. He also had petunias he'd planted from seed that are doing nicely. The columbine is coming back, and I peeked underneath and saw a viola! I thought those had all died. As for the hanging planters we purchased this year, the fuchsia and other petunias are okay. The one that's not doing well is the New Guinea impatiens basket. It states on the tag that it doesn't like sunlight. Where did dad put it? In the sun. It's now on the front porch hiding behind a tree and it's sort of coming back to life, but I came home today and the blooms were off. It's possible that was from one of the many birds around here or possibly one of the storms that came through today; I'm not too worried, because the leaves look pretty good. They were desiccated before when they were on the deck.