Who's line is it, anyway?!

Jul 16, 2004 22:44


I'm sitting at home on a Friday night doing nothing.

Drumline is going fairly well... I'm on tenor drums!

DCI on Sunday... I'm excited.

I can't wait to go to 6 flags with Hannah- We're gonna be styling in our matching tanks!

I have to buy some shot heads and a pair of tenor sticks... I'll get them when I find them.

A nice conversation with a moron for everyone to enjoy::

EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:49 PM]:  hey sasha
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:49 PM]:  I think you should give me another chance
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:50 PM]:  I really didn't mean all that stuff before and talking to you has made me realize that I really do love you
RdSkittles [10:50 PM]:  hey Cody, I think you'll have to earn it if you even want me to consider thinking about giving you another chance.
RdSkittles [10:50 PM]:  You're so stupid... You think I'm gonna fall for this again?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:50 PM]:  what can I do??
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:50 PM]:  WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME?!!
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:50 PM]:  I am serious!
RdSkittles [10:51 PM]:  Yes, I'm here.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:51 PM]:  I think I'll earn it with my gigantic cock in your throat.
RdSkittles [10:52 PM]:  Whatever...
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:52 PM]:  whatever is right! whatever it takes to earn your love
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:53 PM]:  let's haggle
RdSkittles [10:53 PM]:  Gah, you're an idiot... Just leave me alone. I'm not going to fall for it again... Yeah, you're hott... but you aren't worth it...
RdSkittles [10:53 PM]:  haggle?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:55 PM]:  let's make a deal./
RdSkittles [10:55 PM]:  okay... deals...
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:56 PM]:  What's it going to take for me to have a chance wityh you.
RdSkittles [10:56 PM]:  haha, You've blown it, I'm serious. This is like the 4th time you've been "joking around"
RdSkittles [10:57 PM]:  I'm not gonna subject myself to you anymore.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:57 PM]:  tell me about the dark room again
RdSkittles [10:57 PM]:  What about it?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:57 PM]:  i need cheese pizza
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:57 PM]:  what are the steps of developing a picture
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:58 PM]:  ?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:58 PM]:  Remember that time I called you?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:58 PM]:  where do you put the photo first
RdSkittles [10:58 PM]:  Yeah, I remember
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:58 PM]:  we had a nice conversation.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:58 PM]:  I'm trying to develop a picture
RdSkittles [10:58 PM]:  No we didn't. You talked to Cody more than you talked to me...
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:58 PM]:  we talked about all of our goals in life
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:59 PM]:  where are you're padsfaetriiii liike to snmag me a good one
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:59 PM]:  I want you so badly.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [10:59 PM]:  I need your rippling thighs against me.
RdSkittles [10:59 PM]:  You put it in the D76 developer first, for like 2 minutes, then the stop bath for like 30 seconds, then the fixer from anywhere from 2-6 minuted
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:00 PM]:  I've already done that
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:00 PM]:  I need to know what comes after that
RdSkittles [11:00 PM]:  Then hang it dry, and you're done
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:00 PM]:  oh
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:00 PM]:  I didn't know it was that easy
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:00 PM]:  i smell cunt.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:00 PM]:  burn me some stew
RdSkittles [11:00 PM]:  I didn't know you had a darkroom at your house?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:01 PM]:  yeah.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:01 PM]:  my mom's a photographer
RdSkittles [11:01 PM]:  I think you're lying.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:01 PM]:  have you ever seen those four famous pictures of the beetles?
RdSkittles [11:02 PM]:  Yeah
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:02 PM]:  My mom took those.
RdSkittles [11:02 PM]:  No she didnt.
RdSkittles [11:03 PM]:  They were taken by a man.
RdSkittles [11:03 PM]:  Who happens to be very famous. Don't lie so bad...
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:04 PM]:  she was his assistant
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:04 PM]:  she did the coloring
RdSkittles [11:04 PM]:  No, she didn't.
RdSkittles [11:04 PM]:  Stop lying! You're so bad at it!
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:05 PM]:  well i would do anything to impress you.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:05 PM]:  kerry's pictures are so much fucking better than yours?
RdSkittles [11:05 PM]:  I really don't care... I'm not buying it.
RdSkittles [11:06 PM]:  Maybe they are? Her's are good, but I'm in love with some of mine.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:06 PM]:  like the one with the dog and the chucks? that was gay gay gay gaygaygaygaygay
RdSkittles [11:07 PM]:  I was experimenting with different types of photography... And I don't care if anyone liked them or not, because their my pictures. I didn't ask for anyone to like them.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:07 PM]:  they're*
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:08 PM]:  you're fat.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:08 PM]:  but it's sexy.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:08 PM]:  i bet you look good in tights.
RdSkittles [11:08 PM]:  Oh, yes, you're the one to be correcting MY grammar.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:08 PM]:  but at least I correct it while being skinny
RdSkittles [11:09 PM]:  And, you're one to be talking about being fat ... you don't have a lot of room to talk, there, bud.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:09 PM]:  you do it while being fat, fatso. fat.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:09 PM]:  I'm thin
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:09 PM]:  I weigh 120
RdSkittles [11:09 PM]:  What the fuck EVER!
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:09 PM]:  I swear to god
RdSkittles [11:09 PM]:  Try 220... you're a freaking bucket-o-lard.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:10 PM]:  ok. because you would know how much I weigh.
RdSkittles [11:10 PM]:  I was making a point. You're a freak. Just go away... Don't you have something better to do?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:11 PM]:  yea suck your fat out through a piece of kitty litter
RdSkittles [11:12 PM]:  Ahh, that was impressive! How'd you come up with that one?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:12 PM]:  with a crayon
RdSkittles [11:12 PM]:  Good try, but it made no sense. Try again.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:12 PM]:  not abds;fngvxz
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:13 PM]:  I want to rub your fat toned tan pasty abs
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:14 PM]:  they remind me of cake
RdSkittles [11:14 PM]:  That was a little better, but you're still a dumbass.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:15 PM]:  bananaturalterasextreme
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:15 PM]:  find the words, bitch
RdSkittles [11:15 PM]:  What the fuck are you talking about?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:15 PM]:  your abs, remember?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:16 PM]:  which are obesely satisfying
RdSkittles [11:17 PM]:  Haha. I just want you to know, I will post this conversation in my livejournal and xanga. I want everyone to know how much of a fat little moron you are... It's great, the irony of it all.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:17 PM]:  me neither
RdSkittles [11:18 PM]:  Me neither?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:18 PM]:  of course not
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:18 PM]:  that's preposterous
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:18 PM]:  since when?
RdSkittles [11:19 PM]:  You're making no sense at all...
EyeHeartHeyZeus [11:19 PM]:  I know you are, but what am I?
RdSkittles [11:20 PM]:  I'm sick of dealing with you. I'm saying good-bye, and posting this, and going to watch movies. Have a great life, I hope you find someone as stupid as you are.
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