Jul 04, 2004 17:18
EyeHeartHeyZeus [4:59 PM]: Sasha?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [4:59 PM]: I have a question.
RdSkittles [4:59 PM]: What?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [4:59 PM]: Would you ever give ma another chance?
RdSkittles [4:59 PM]: That's a hard question. You really fucked up. You hurt me really bad.
RdSkittles [5:00 PM]: How would I know you weren't joking this time?
RdSkittles [5:01 PM]: Do you see what I'm saying?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:02 PM]: No.
RdSkittles [5:02 PM]: Why not?
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:03 PM]: Because I can't translate your primative redneck dialect.
RdSkittles [5:04 PM]: Kiss my ass.
RdSkittles [5:04 PM]: You're a dick fuck, you don't know how to show anyone kindness.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:04 PM]: I know how.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:04 PM]: Sometimes.
RdSkittles [5:04 PM]: No, you don't. You're incompetent.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:05 PM]: Some people happen to think i'm pretty competent.
RdSkittles [5:05 PM]: haha! They're probably morons, too.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:06 PM]: Yo momma thinks i'm pretty competent.
RdSkittles [5:06 PM]: Oh, fuck. Here we go with the "Yo Mamma" jokes. Talk about redneck. Don't you have any better material than that? I mean seriously.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:08 PM]: Well...you're just fat.
RdSkittles [5:08 PM]: For the love of Peter! Stop being a primitive little bitch and learn something. You're suck a fucking moron. I wouldn't date you if you got on your knees and begged me threatening to shoot yourself in the face.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:08 PM]: You would If i showed you my massive penis.
RdSkittles [5:09 PM]: You think "You're Fat" phases me? God, please come up with something better.
RdSkittles [5:09 PM]: Spare me the penis! It's really hard to chop off something that's under 5 inches long and an inch in girth.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:10 PM]: What's so funny is that you think i'm serious.
EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:10 PM]: I'm not that ridiculous of a person to call you fat, and talk about 'yo momma".
RdSkittles [5:11 PM]: I don't think your serious. I think you're a moron that has nothing better to do than mess with people.
RdSkittles [5:16 PM]: Don't have anything else to say?
Auto response from EyeHeartHeyZeus [5:16 PM]: I am away from my computer right now.
RdSkittles [5:16 PM]: What's wrong with you? Are you scared!?
RdSkittles [5:17 PM]: FUCK! You're such a baby. You're probably crying and holding yourself in a corner now, because you have no friends.