Нашла на сайте Интересного Киева отличную статью иностранца о моем самом любимом городе - 101 причина полюбить Киев. Выбрала наиболеепонравившиеся пункты, остальное можно посмотреть на сайте Интересного Киева.
7. Paying for your Mashrutka. As if they weren't cool enough already, you can pay for your Marshrutka by passing your money to the person in front of you. He/she will pass it on and you can watch as your money moves off to the driver. Relax as your change works its way back to you.
9. Metrograd (Metro-town). Its an underground shopping world, crammed full of expensive (but cheap-looking) stuff that nobody buys. However, its fun to explore and get lost there, especially when its cold above ground.
14. Train picnics. Your fellow train passengers will feed you, talk to you and look after you.
15. Mama. Mamas rule in Ukraine. If Mama is not happy then nobody is happy. If you hear a mobile phone ring in Kiev there's an 85% chance it will be Mama calling to check on someone.
27. Flowers. Ukrainians are flower crazy. They're obsessed. Not only are there flower shops all over the city, but many of them are 24-hour flower shops!! If you ask a Ukrainian if it is necessary to have flowers available at 4am on a Wednesday morning, they will simply tell you: "Yes, of course!"
49. Pajowlusta. It means 'you're welcome' and EVERYONE says it if you say 'thank you' (spasibo) ...even if they look grumpy, angry or depressed.
77. People peel and eat bananas the wrong way!! (this has to be seen to be believed, but its true)
80. There are lots of small friendly birds which will sit at your feet and eat your dinner with you.
94. You can park and drive ANYWHERE. Roads are for cars and pavements are for cars in Kiev.