(no subject)

Jan 24, 2005 21:52

I thought, since I am bored, I will amass a list of my memories of winter break in Greece this year. Here it goes, in no particular order naturally:
*wearing the same frumpy clothes, because I didn't know they wear tube tops in 45 degree weather
*my beloved long john's
*singing to Elli Kokkinou
*Euromonopoly and playing it every day, all day (except for night's out) and playing until 4 in the morning
*my ugly, frumpy, comfy green and orange (UM imitation) pajamas
*sleeping in my uncle's room, all by my lonesome
*losing Vaggeli's expensive leather jacket at SoHo (the club)
*Niko 2 forgetting his keys at his house & remembering he did so at 6 in the morning
*spending 6 hours in bed with someone...just laying =0)
*going out with M and then meeting up with N and going home with him
*the car locks being frozen and freezing while waiting for N to heat them up and open the car
*eating Goody's every other day (a Greenburger, fries and extra sauce for dipping)
*going to a different café every night with Taso and Apostoli
*adopting Apostoli as my new cousin
*the cowgirl/strippers dancing on the bar at SoHo & every man taking pics with his cellphone
*Niko 2 dancing to his favorite song in SoHo...totally dorky
*Hard Rock Café and no affiliation with our Hard Rock Café
*starting off from Hard Rock Café every night when going out
*going to Thessaloniki and seeing my first snowfall
*seeing Saki and going to CALDO to watch him DJ
*the weirdo dancers at OLYMPION
*Amaretto's and Coke.....for 4 nights straight
*"Blowjob" shots...and not knowing how to drink them
*making bead bracelets for N, Pavlo, Kosta, Evi, Nancy, Maria, Magda, Hara, Rita, Xristo, Little Anna and Little Niko & everyone wearing them to make me happy
*hot choclate with coconut syrup
*spilling my coffee at Elvis (a café)
*spilling 3 drinks at ALEX (the club) on Christmas Eve night
*Christmas at ALEX-getting drunk, the cigs, getting my new stockings ruined by Thanasi's cig, singing loudly in the streets at 5am and craving crepes
*Thanasi asking me to hook up----bleh
*New Year's Eve at my house, pre-club, trying on my outfit for the cousin's, watching Fame Story in Concert, and eating roasted chestnuts with my favorite boys
*New Year's Eve/Day at ALEX-Evi getting completely trashed, one bottle of vodka running out in 30 minutes, sneaking the cigs, trying to get Magda to smoke, Evi falling back onto a guy, Evi falling off the stool, Evi feeling "suddenly sad & wanting to cry", singing into the vodka bottle at the top of our lungs, almost getting thrown up on...but just on my new boots, Tasso getting his pants and shoes thrown up on, trying to carry Evi up the stairs to the bathroom and not making it, using the men's bathroom instead, getting free a free shaker for shots, not giving Kosta any, throwing peanuts in Evi's drinks
*eating souvlakia with the cousins
*going shopping at 10am with the cousins
*seeing my favorite uncles, aunts and cousins
* "Muchos Putsos!!"
* "Eh...yes, yes....yes, whatever you say"
*Evi's pants falling the whole way to the taxi stop
*the computer game wear you have to undress the girl
*cursing in front of the church...all the time, totally by accident
*having lunch in our little town with a portion of my family
*Pavlo's smile
*Kosta & our marriage plans
*being too naughty
*problems with M "rising to the occasion".....twice
*paparazzi for me and M...outside of the apartment and at Evi's house
*ALEX on the night of the local high school's dance
*dying & cutting my hair
*80's backwash....and loving it
*the flat, witch boots
*Maria putting a thong on her face and a scarf (in a turban-fashion) on her head
*walking up the mountain, a 30 minute walk, in 4 inch boots, and walking back down
*singing songs the whole way up and down the mountain that night
*Fame Story in Concert
*talking to Kevin on New Year's Eve
*M's little sister wanting to play My Little Pony with me
*bumping into Sarandi at the shops and going out for coffee with him....and then riding home
*my uncle falling off the bed he temporarily used
*my grandma forgetting where she was, waking up after a nap
*waking up at 1:30pm and going to sleep at 5am
*playing my CDs in the DVD player
*the night in my pink high heels....
*hooking up in layers...and layers....and layerrrrrsss of clothes
*waking up frozen stiff
*calling Nana at 1:30am two days before the day I left, crying and talking to her about M and hearing how she was miserably sold out as well
*travelling with Nana
*individuals TVs on the airplanes....both ways
*M having another gf
*eating the best food at Evi's house....and always eating there, haha
*our music video
*Little Thanasaki and his weird sounds, ripping ppls faces and drooling everywhere
*our goofy dances we did to get Thanasaki to eat
*waking up New Year's Day at Evi's
*Evi losing her 100 Euro watch on New Year's Eve
*bus rides...the bus passing right by me once and leaving me to take the taxi
*Acid Hall and the hand game
*Laying on the couch with FiFi
*hanging out with Pavlo

The greatest three weeks of my 2004 life.....the best is yet to come....
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