Aug 12, 2002 08:11
So I was sleeping this morning and I woke up cause I had this really bad dream..
It was at my house, I think and it was during christmas time. I was on the phone talking to this boy from another city. And I don't remember why, but I was on my cell phone and it was REALLY late, like early morning. My mom woke up and came into my room. She started attacking me... a lot. Then, started shaking me and screaming "I'm not psycho!!!! I'm not psycho!!!!" OVER AND OVER AND OOOOOVER for what seemed like a really long time. I had thrown the phone on the floor cause she was pretty scary. I'm not sure what happened after that but once she got out of my room, I picked up the phone to see if he was still there. And sure enough he was. I asked him if he heard that or not and he had. I think I woke up after that from being so scared of my mom because I can't remember anything else happening.
Eh, its way too early to be awake. .....Blah.