(no subject)

May 24, 2009 02:20

Player Name: Dero
Player LJ: derogative
Email and/or AIM: auron12001@hotmail.com (or) xx derogative xx
Timezone: EST
Other Characters: I do not feel like listing them someone else do it

Character: Orel Puppington
Series/Fandom: Moral Orel
Deviance: 1

Age: 11
Gender: Male
Species: Protestant Christian.

Canon Used: The show. :|


Orel is, as described in canon, a 'good looking' young boy of only eleven years old. With short, thick brown hair and soft, light brown eyes, that description is fairly apt; when he's older, Orel'll probably be quite the heartbreaker. As is, he's more just an adorable little boy who borders more on the 'cute' end than anything else.

Orel stands five feet tall, on the higher spectrum of 'average' for boys his age. His build is a fairly lean one, typical of boys his age; but with the look of one that does a fair bit more running than others. This is, of course, due to the fact he's the star of the Alfred G. Diorama track team. But that shall be described elsewhere.

His dress is typically conservative and 'mannerly'. His two most common outfits are his white and blue button up shirt with blue jeans, and his good Sunday suit - which is blue.

Psychology: No matter what seems to happen, Orel will grin through it, never wavering in his stance of cheerfulness. He can face gore and violence without batting an eye, instead focusing on some more happier aspect to it (though how he can do that is a mystery).

Nothing in the world, by appearances, can ruin Orel's cheer. And along with that cheer there's an overwhelming apparent desire to do good. Unfortunately for Orel, his concept of what is and isn't good is fairly skewed to start with - and the adults in Moralton only further the skew.

Often he interprets advice in the completely wrong and opposite way. He gets told that masturbation is bad and you can only get off if your sperm is used to procreate, so he comes up with a plan to knock up the various women of Moralton. He gets told that God's greatest gift is life, and decides that dead people are spitting in God's face and he has to make them stop sinning so much.

His heart is in the right place, at least, even if his mind is prone to outlandish, child-like schemes that always seem to come to fruition for some period of time. He may do illegal things, but - well, let's put it this way. 'The path to hell is paved with good intentions' is pretty fitting for most of the things Orel does. He really does just want to be a good Christian.

When it comes to friends, Orel is as loyal as loyal can be, even to the point where that loyalty can be manipulated. And he's always willing and ready to defend his friends if they need it. Though, just so you know, that desire to defend isn't just towards his friends - he'll defend total strangers if he thinks it's the right thing to do.

Another point of note is Orel always seems to ask questions about things; but that could always simply be written off as boyish curiosity. Either way, he has a lot of questions, and he doesn't hesitate in asking them to whoever he thinks knows the answer. Whether the questions deal with heavy subjects such as racism or the details of drinking your own pee, Orel has a million things to ask. Pity the person who makes themselves seem like a wealth of information.

Despite his very... ah, well, his racist, sexist, homophobic, extremely conservative upbringing, Orel displays decency and various liberal viewpoints. He accepts homosexuality (to him, if two people love each other, that's okay, no matter if they're both girls or both boys). He literally isn't made aware of the differences of race and skin colour until his 'extra caucasian' bandaids don't match the skin of one of his friends. He respects women and some of his most respected adult friends are female.

Orel is very accepting and tolerant of anything, even though he was taught that the best way to be a good Christian (and a good citizen of Moralton) is to be intolerant. It just doesn't sit right with him, so despite the expectations and teachings of others, he tends to go more with what he feels is right on some things instead of what he has been told is right.

In all honesty, what Orel displays on the outside is very simple and very basic. The Orel everyone knows isn't complex: he's just a happy little boy who wants to do good things. End of story for most people.

Unfortunately, all those good things about Orel are only the barest surface of who and what he is, and for all the good they do, they might just be an act to keep himself grounded and as sane as he can manage.

Orel is the child of an abusive family. His mother is cold and distant, and his father is a callous, physically abusive drunk. To Orel, this is normal; this is how family is. It's only until the episode Elemental Orel does he realise that other families aren't like his - that they might actually care about one another.

The abuse takes a heavy toll on Orel. While he often ignores it, or goes away from home as much as possible, he's a wealth of problems and issues. The odds of anyone finding out about them? Very small. Orel doesn't often talk about how he really feels about things - or he doesn't even realise there's something wrong.

To start with, let's go over how Orel is generally desperate for some sort of normal stability in his life. He doesn't know it's what he's looking for, but he seems to befriend adults like mad, getting attached most to those who show him even a scrap of kindness in any form. Stephanie, the woman who owns the sex shop, is the object of one of his attempts at finding stability. After meeting her once and her treating him like a person, he comes back to her shop, fairly desperate to find any way to stay with her longer, to be with someone who is nice and kind. She's honestly the first warm person he ever met in his life, and he clung to that. Warmness in Moralton is rarer than... well, think of the rarest thing in the universe. It's rarer than that.

Censordoll, Putty, and Stopframe can easily be put into the same category of 'people Orel clings to because they're nice to him'. None of them are real, proper role models for an eleven year old boy, but Orel honestly takes whatever he can. Whether it's a manipulative, bitter woman; a sexually frustrated and depressed reverend; or an omnisexual coach who has a thing for Orel's dad, they're all Orel has.

Orel's issues aren't just with attachment, though. As illustrated by the end movie Orel made in Geniusis, some part of Orel is aware that religion in Moralton is like a cancer or disease. No matter what you do, once it's there, it'll never go away, and someday it'll make you just like everyone else. Orel is honestly terrified of this. In the movie, it ends with Orel's figure being turned into a monster, with the words GOD HATES MASTURBATION written behind him; this is likely a metaphor for Orel's fear that he'll be turned into a monster like everyone else.

But to focus on the religious aspect of the video but to spare you the in depth description of what all actually goes on in it, the video depicts Orel speaking with Reverend Putty (shown as a giant ape). Things are calm until Putty impales himself in the head with a cross (likely representing the conversation turning towards religious morality), and begins to smash his desk and threaten Orel (intimidation tactics - along with fear of violence and abuse). Finally, Putty falls down on Orel, crushing him underneath himself, possibly representing Orel being overwhelmed with Christian doctrines. He manages to escape and puts on a mustache, representing either taking on a new identity or aging, but he is eventually wrapped in tinfoil - representing Moralton 'blanket thought' - and emerges as a monster. The video, though rife with metaphor, explains Orel's view of religion in Moralton as a whole. It's something that turns you into a monster.

Despite this fear, Orel remains adamantly religious. It's likely that he follows what he's been taught: repress. He forgets the fear and it crops up in his movies, which are his only real way to cope with the stresses of his life. He's still young, so there may not be any permanent damage yet, but if he continues how he is, he's likely going to develop a complex.

Another problem Orel has is depression. Shocking, huh? Little kids shouldn't be depressed, especially little kids as happy as Orel. Sorry to say, he still has it. It rarely shows or rarely crops up, but it's there, lying in wait for the right full time trigger (which eventually is the events of Nature). Otherwise, his depression is more of the fleeting, or dulled emotion type. He feels mad sometimes, but it goes away. Sometimes he gets sad, but it's usually distant and goes away after he does a few distracting things. Happiness is the one thing he manages to keep up, thankfully. Though there are moments where his facade is shattered and the depression, the deadness, overwhelms him.

Elemental Orel, for example, when Orel states his mother is treating this other family as if it were her family, and Doughy replies that he doesn't think it's that, she seems bored and uncaring and like she doesn't want to be there. That statement blew away the happiness and left Orel as he is deep down - emotionally dead. All the joy and life left his voice and actions, and he dragged himself around as if life had lost all meaning. It was a triggering blow, Doughy pointing that out. While it was quickly reversed, it goes to show that Orel can be easily triggered into a depressive state with the right words.

While on the subject of Elemental Orel, that very line also revealed how Orel viewed his family as normal. Abusiveness is (or was) the basis for families. He had never really seen anything different, and he was brought up believing that this was how moms and dads interacted with themselves and their kids. Part of Orel's beliefs about the world were shattered when he came to realise that, no, his family was not typical. And it wasn't even not typical in a positive way; it was implied that his family was worse off than others.

Backtracking a bit now to the subject of repression. Orel represses his feelings and thoughts like nobody's business, just like he was taught to do. If he feels sad, he crushes that out with reading the bible or pretending happy things. If he feels angry, more bible passages or more happy things. Nothing except being happy is allowed. If he feels guilty, repress it. If he thinks something might be wrong, he ought to repress that too, and sometimes he does.

Take Holy Visage for example. While the right thing to do is to help Dr. Chosenburg, and while Orel really does want to help him get better, Orel can't bring himself to do it. If he helps Chosenburg with medicines, he believes he's invalidating his faith in God. For once, repression does result in a good act, but the fact of the matter is that Orel thought it was wrong - honestly believed that fixing things in the way he did - and he repressed it so he could save a man whom he had only met a handful of days before.

Repression hurts and causes more problems than it solves, but Orel doesn't really know any other way to handle some of his problems. After all, good protestants repress - thanks, Martin Luther! And he wants to be good. He so desperately wants to be good. So good little boys repress and repress and repress and ignore whatever issues come up, because they need to repress those too.

Eventually, Orel comes to develop a masochistic streak during the course of Pleasure, where he concludes that doing anything good would drag him to hell. While it originally only involved just taking out all the good deeds and kindness in his life, eventually it spread further, as he realised he enjoyed God and Jesus too much (most notably after having his first wet dream. About God. Telling him he was a good boy). So to try to get rid of the positive feelings he gets from worshipping God and Jesus, he begins to self-harm.

Seriously self-harm. Orel doesn't just cut, he wears barbed wires, he staples his face, he sticks glass in his shoe. At no point does he think he's going overboard or that God doesn't want this to happen. He continues on with it, dejected and in pain, suffering nigh constantly because he's utterly convinced this is what God wants. You know there's something wrong when a little boy believes God approves of him suffering in such a way. I mean, really wrong.

OH YEAH, ONE MORE THING. Orel avoids home constantly. Whether it's on purpose or subconsciously, it's going on. If he can, he doesn't go home. He goes to the library, he goes to the sex shop, he goes to the church, he goes to the park, he goes to his friends' houses. Anywhere that isn't home is where you're most likely to find Orel. Avoiiiiiidant.

Uhhh. I think there's more, but honestly at the moment I can't remember anything else, but when I do I'll definitely revise the psych section to include it.

Other Skills/Abilities: Necromancy: after the events of The Lord's Greatest Gift, Orel is capable of Necromancy - though he still likely needs the Necronomicon to assist him in remembering incantations. But let's just say he's good enough to revive an entire cemetery filled with dead people and more. Pretty awesome.

High pain tolerance: after the self-harm and destructive (and masochistic!) things Orel did in Pleasure, Orel has a heightened pain tolerance, to the point where he barely even physically reacts to what he considers extreme pain. In fact, he gets shot in the leg in Nature and despite it shattering the bone, Orel barely displays any signs that he's in pain.

Levitation: after the Praying Bee in Praying, Orel levitates. No one notices it and it is never brought up again. :| Weird.

Charismatic: Orel has charisma coming out his ears. I'm not putting this in psychology because with the charisma Orel has, it's a skill/ability, goddamnit. He can generally get anyone to do anything, without even having to do any convincing. Orel suggests it, and people naturally want to do it. When Orel talks, people listen, and they are 99% of the time swayed to whatever Orel is speaking for. In fact, he even made all of Moralton hate Jesus via playing Judas in a play. Of course, I don't expect every character in game to go along with stuff, but just keep in mind he's charismatic, yo.

Strength: Orel has more strength than any eleven year old ought to have. Really. He overwhelms multiple adults through the series and beats the shit out of them without hesitation. And he breaks a spanking paddle in half against his father's head. Those things aren't easy to break, and yet Orel had enough strength and force in the swing to snap it in half. Holy shit.

Track: Orel is the star runner on the track team, not to mention the Captain. He's broken multiple records and Stopframe cites him as his best long distance runner.

Meditation: Orel learns how to meditate in Praying.

Unlimited Sexual Potential: Orel is eleven and he can get off more times than you can. Sorry. This is canon, honestly. In a month, he gets dozens (possibly hundreds) of women pregnant. Good job, Orel.

Pitcher: Orel's an okay baseball pitcher. He's not that good at any other aspect of baseball, though.

Acting: Orel dabbles in acting. He's not all that good, but it's fun and his charisma usually manages to land him pretty good parts.

Stopmotion Animation: one of Orel's major hobbies is stopmotion animation. He makes movies all the time, and every episode ends with a movie he's mad. It's usually how he copes with his life.

Straight A Student: :| Orel gets straight as. He always does his homework and always studies for tests.

Public Speaking: he's good at it. Look to charisma to see why.

Money Smart: he's damn good at managing his money. Unless he gets addicted to crack, but even then he knows he could easily double or triple the profits on the stuff he buys if he decides to sell.

Campaign Manager: again, see charisma. In Nesting, Censordoll makes Orel her campaign manager when she runs for Mayor of Moralton.

Pimpin': Orel is the best damn pimp in Moralton. Also the only pimp. But still the best.

Fighting: Orel is a good fighter; though most of his skill relies on being quick and nimble. Orel is an agile little boy and he can move rather fast, which is usually how he overwhelms his opponents so his strength can come into play. After the events of Nature and Honor, he loses his ability to be quick and nimble, taking away most of his skill in fighting.

Other Weaknesses: When Nature and Honor finally come around, Orel will have a permanent limp, and be in constant pain from it. Thanks Clay.

Orel is eleven. For all his abilities and talents, he's just a little boy. A human little boy. A messed up, human little boy.

History: Orel Puppington was born in November, 1992, to Clay and Bloberta Puppington. The marriage and relationship between Clay and Bloberta was already rocky at that point, and the addition of Orel did nothing but make it worse. Fighting got more intense and angry, and Clay began drinking more to deal with the fact that now he was not just in a marriage he didn't even want, he now had a son he didn't want either.

Orel was brought up with fighting and emotional distance being the norm. Either Clay or Bloberta bothered to spend enough time to teach Orel to walk, talk, and read, but after that, Orel was typically left to his own devices, even as a toddler. His parents were too wrapped up in themselves and their own issues to really care for him.

When Orel was four, Shapey was born. From then on, any attention Orel did get became even less as Bloberta focused a tad bit more on Shapey, and his father drew further away. Two kids he didn't want, now. Orel had no problem with it.

Continue abuse and such for years as Orel began growing up. In school he was always a straight a student, always getting 100s on his tests and homework. He was social and cheery and all around the perfect child in class. When he was old enough, his mother began shoving Shapey off onto Orel and had him watch his younger brother while she went off to be entirely neglectful of the both of them.

Orel, of course, dealt with it. Though as he got older, he found more and more excuses not to go home. He joined the baseball team that was sponsored by Sal. He joined the school track team. He joined the scouts. Orel got more and more friends and spent less and less time at home. Oh, he often got into trouble, doing weird things and causing chaos, but they were usually quelled and Orel was given a good beating every time.

And as he got older, he got more and more into religion, to the point where most of his actions in life were dictated by what the Bible said ought to be done. Though, he still hasn't read the Bible ENTIRELY and doesn't quite understand everything in it, but he studies and tries very hard.

His eleven years of life have been frequently punctuated with physical abuse, mental abuse, and emotional abuse, but all of this is normal in Orel's world.

Now it's 2004, Orel is eleven, School has just started, and Orel's twelfth birthday is coming up. He's just excited to be back to running track and playing baseball and the prospect that he'll be twelve. Big things, man. Big things indeed.

And yes the history is short. HE'S ELEVEN it's not like he's done anything particularly world shattering yet.

Currently, Orel is pre-canon, but not by too much. I'll be going through the show with him, and will be doing relevant updates as I get through episodes and months and whatnot.

Reality Description: Orel lives on a very special version of earth, where the United States is its own continent and there are arguably only 49 states, but we'll say Hawaii is included and bump it back up to 50. Now, 50 states isn't that different, you say, but I cut you off and mention that Alaska is not included. No, Alaska is off wherever Canada is on some other part of the Earth. And this other state, the one replacing Alaska? It's smack dab in the middle of the US, and it is called 'Statesota'.

Sounds like a lovely place, doesn't it? The capital of this state in the upland south (and bible belt) is Moralton, a pleasant city filled with Protestant Christians. That's practically a requirement of living in Moralton, really, though there are a few atheists and satanists kicking around. Moralton's total area is somewhere around twenty square miles, with most of the residential spread out around the outside of downtown, which is in a delightful circle shape. Really. The population of Moralton and the area around it is around 20k people.

From all outside appearances, Moralton is a pleasant, upstanding community filled with righteous Christians who follow the Lord's word to the letter and do it happily. It seems almost perfect, a happy slice of Americana that easily reminds people of 'better days'.

Unfortunately, that's only the surface of Moralton. Take a deeper look, and your find Moralton is stagnant. Technology and social issues are stuck in the 50s; records, radio shows, everything you might expect in an old black and white sitcom. What's jarring about it is that the year is 2004, soon to be 2005. It's quite likely the only television in all of Moralton can be found in Buried Pleasures, the only sex shop in town. But we'll get back to notable locations later.

Now turn your eye from the technological stagnancy and look to the people. They seem nice, don't they? But then- whoops, notice that mother beating her daughter? Surely that's a slip. And ignore the angry protesters screaming that being fat is a sin, they're just the crazy fringe, aren't they. And ignore the adultery over there. Never mind the crack dealers, ignore the sadists and the masochists, pretend all the sexual frustration and depravity isn't- well, I guess we can't ignore it anymore, can we? Once you start really paying attention to the people of Moralton, you begin to notice they aren't really all they seem to be. Despite all the attempts to be good Christians, the people here really aren't. They're flawed and broken and twisted, just like every other person in the world. Now that the people have been mentioned in general, let's move onto specific locations in Moralton, and some of the people you can find there.

At the exact center of the united states is one of Moralton's churches, and perhaps the most notable one, headed by Reverend Putty. Reverend Putty is a good man, for the most part. Oh, yes, he's a bit racist and homophobic, but he tries to be accepting of people for the most part. He's not the happiest of people though, but he tries. He has chronic depression and is very sexually frustrated. A large part of his woes in life come from the fact he feels entirely alone.

Buried Pleasures is the one and only sex shop in Moralton. You can find anything under the sun there: toys, videos, piercings... if you want it, you can get it there. But considering how repressed Moralton is, it doesn't get many customers. The owner of Buried Pleasures is a young woman named Stephanie Foamwire, a butch-y (sort of) lesbian who just so happens to be Reverend Putty's daughter. Decked out in piercings and with her short, almost fauxhawk like hair, she most certainly stands out in Moralton by appearance. But she stands out in another way as well: she's one of the few open and warm people in Moralton.

The Thomas Bowdler Library is the place to go if you're looking for good, clean, wholesome books. In fact, you'll find nothing there that dares contradict Christianity or inspires creativity of free thought. But in Moralton, that's a-okay! The Library is run (and perhaps even owned) by Francis Censordoll, a woman in her 40s who looks more like she's 70. Censordoll has two true joys in life, eggs and picketing. She's bitter and controlling (complete with God complex!) but she can be 'kind' in her own way... but only if you agree with her doctrine of censorship.

The Alfred G. Diorama School is the elementary (possibly high school included) school of Moralton. There might be one or two others, but no one cares about those. Diorama is your typical looking school with a small playground (which eventually comes with a Jesusland play set!). Science is taught only once a month by Reverend Putty. Most of the classes taught are done so with a heavy religious bent to them. The teacher of Orel's class is Miss Sculptham, a cold and closed woman who seems emotionally distant towards everything. The principal is Fakey, a man who is caught up in his own conflicts over cheating on his wife with Nurse Bendy. Even though he feels guilty, he can't bring himself to stop. Nurse Bendy sometimes shows as the school nurse, and she comes off as a stereotypical dumb blonde with a bit of an attitude - which hides how she truly is: an emotionally and mentally fragile woman who was sexually abused by her father, and is afraid that no man will ever see her as a real person. The coach at Alfred G. Diorama is Danielle Stopframe, an omnisexual man who worships both God and Satan, and has an obsession with Orel's father, Clay. He's also Nurse Bendy's brother.

The Calvary Pain Institute is the only hospital in Moralton, not that it does any good. They rarely use medicine and are sloppy in their practices. The head doctor is Dr. Potterswheel, a man who delights in seeing the suffering of others, to the point where it turns him on. Nurse Bendy sometimes manages the sign-in desk.

Sal's Corner Store is the place to go for your random item needs. Alcoholic milk? Bible action figures? Ice cream? Eggs? Sal's has it! Sal's Corner Store is run by Sal Figurelli, head of the Figurelli household, which is the only Italian family in all of Moralton. While people who aren't Anglo-Saxon-y type caucasion are relegated to various 'towns' in Moralton, the Figurellis are permitted within the main city/town.

Forghetty's is one of the taverns in Moralton. Pretty much all the significant adults mentioned go here to drink away their problems.

Behind Buried Pleasures is one of Moralton's few sex clubs, this one being an S&M club called Glory Hallelujah Hole. All of the activities there have a religious theme to them. What else would you expect in Moralton?

Now let's quickly get the rest of the significant people done, starting with Orel's family.

Clay Puppington is Orel's father. He's Mayor of Moralton, though not even Orel knows this until later. He claims to work at a dead-end job, hates his wife, and seems only barely tolerant of his children. A self-loathing alcoholic, Clay lashes out at anyone he can, and often tries to provoke others into harming him, as he learned in his childhood that if people hurt you, they care. He mentally, physically, and abuses Orel - possibly to make himself feel better about his life and just to exert control over his oldest son. Though he isn't homosexual in the least, he eventually pursues a relationship with Coach Stopframe, mainly because he is starved for real affection and love.

Bloberta Puppington is Orel's mother. She's a housewife, obsessed with cleaning to the point where it's practically OCD. She's emotionally distant to her children and often even picks fights with Clay purely because she hates her marriage and hates how Clay behaves. It's revealed that her obsessive cleaning tendencies are how she learned to cope with emotions and frustration; a prime example of the Moralton doctrine of repress repress repress. Seven years ago, she cheated on Clay with Coach Stopframe.

Shapey Puppington is Orel's little brother. Even though he's seven years old, he can barely talk in cohesive sentences and prefers to scream and yell incoherently. Shapey is the definition of spoiled brat, and Orel is often stuck looking after him, which is a difficult task. Orel usually ends up hurt in some way while watching Shapey, whether it's being shot in the eye with a .bb gun or kicked in the head or anything else. Shapey is Coach Stopframe's son, thus actually making him be Orel's half-brother.

Now, onto Orel's friends!

Doughy is Orel's best friend, other than God and Jesus. Doughy is often depressed and has quick and rapid moodswings based on what he's told. He thinks of himself as not really being real or worth anything at all; or even invisible due to the neglect of his parents. He tends to be a bit cowardly and is sometimes prone to Judasing Orel. He means good though. Doughy often wishes that his family was like Orel's.

Billy is Sal Figurelli's son. Orel doesn't get to play with him often because he's often working at any of his dad's various stores and things, but when they do play or talk, Billy is a laid back, easy going friend. No prob is a way of life for him.

Tommy is curious. In Moralton, this is a very bad thing. He doesn't quite buy into the religious stuff he's taught, and can easily be described as a nerd. Eventually, this leads to Tommy being labelled at retarded and put in special classes, taught by Mrs. Stoopdown. Orel is assigned as his buddy to help him get through the day.

Other Kid has no name. It's a running joke that his name is never mentioned, and not much is known about him other than he does get concerned over Orel's well being and sometimes likes to engage in bullying behaviour.

Joe is Stopframe's nephew and Nurse Bendy's son. Joe is easily described as sociopathic, moody, and a troublemaker. His favourite things in the world are blowing raspberries and generally being snotty. Orel is his bible buddy and is trying to help him be a good Christian. Joe's greatest fear is being old, like his father, Dr. Secondopinionson.

Two more people of note! Christina Posabule, a female version of Orel, who becomes Orel's love interest. Even though they are forbidden from seeing each other, they still are in love and care about each other.

Block Posabule is Christina's younger half-brother. When the Posabules move away, there is an accidental mixup, resulting in the Puppingtons getting stuck with Block and the Posabules getting stuck with Shapey. Eventually Shapey is returned, but the Posabules never take Block back.

Now that we've gotten through Moralton and the people, let's focus a bit on various details in the world of Moral Orel. Necromancy exists. Levitation happens. Miss Censordoll is implied to have hypnotic, mind control powers. Characters sometimes have premonitions about events. God and Jesus quite likely really do exist, as do the devil and various demons. Such things aren't common, but however you want to put it, there is some aspect of the supernatural going on in the world of Moral Orel, and Moralton seems to have more of it than most places.

Though now I remember I didn't entirely describe Moralton. You know how I mentioned the segregation and different towns in Moralton? Racism at it's best. Black people are required to live in Soul Food Town, Chinese people (possibly even all Asians) are required to live in China Food Town, so on and so forth. The main area of Moralton is for caucasians only.

Outside of Moralton there are at least two towns or cities mentioned: Sinville, where all the Catholics live, and Otherton, where Dr. Chosenburg is from. Not much is known about Otherton, but Sinville, well... you can find Catholics, you can find hookers, you can find parties, you can find all kinds of 'sin'.
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