Mar 02, 2005 20:02
Look, I'm sorry if I offend people on this live journal. But honestly, it's my own thing where I can do my own little rants. I often forget that people are reading it without my knowledge and who, without complete understanding, take insult at some of the things that I write. It's never meant to be mean. If I am really upset with some one, I will try to talk to them about it (w/ maybe a couple exceptions). I formally apologize to Rachael (xrds one) and her mysterious friend. It was not about being mean. It was out of frustration. Oh, and if you have a problem with what I type and have to reply to it, please tell me who you are. If you honestly care that much about what I said, you can leave your name, or a least something letting me know who you are. Especially since you seem to know who both me and jess are. Thanks.
What are the benefits of making something "friends only"? I think it might be a useful thing to do. I love all my friends so much!!!! Jess you are so cool, ragardless of the comment on my lj.
P.S. My dear friend is deffinately dead, still not at school today.