Sep 18, 2005 08:10
well yesterday i was gonna hang out with alex but forgot that i made plans with mark so me, mark, michelle, and terry went to the mall when we got there we went to digital mayhem and watched the first part of the tournament and i saw ashley there and she won that round(YAY ASHLEY!!!!!) then we were just walking around and we saw ashley and her friend in the food courtso we stopped to say hi and then me and mark went to ruby tuesdays cuz thats where he was going to meeet ashleys dad so he could get pai and then we went to hot topic so we could look at the new clothes they had there and then we were heading down back to digital mayhem but then we saw nick lohman and billy so we were just talking to them and then i noticed billy shaved off his beard and moustache. then we were talking about nick's brother and mark's brother for a while and then me and everyone went to best buy and then michelle got sick from eating cold hot dogs earlier in the day so billy took her to the bathroom and then me and mark noticed that the parking lot lights went out and that it was down pouring out side and that we had no ride home so billy said thathe would give us a ride and at 6:30 i went over marks house till 7:30 with michelle and terry and billy(billy was there cuz he was our chauffeur so he says) and we started watching the pacifier but then we had to go in the living room so we just started watching 13 ghosts and it was really stupid so at 7:30 we left and billy brought me home but thank god for him or me, michelle, mark, and terry would have had to walk home. that was pretty much my night!