here i am again. wooohooo alive and running. this week was particularly bad. robert got drunk and started his usual antics. he beat me so bad this time i nearly had to go to the hospital. the new year is never any good for him he just starts to drink and drink until he's just not himself. i must be a fool for staying with him but i guess love is
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we were in high school and stayed together after we graduated. Every time i would get fed up with his "problems" i would try to leave, and he would threaten suicide. he made me feel like he was serious and that it was all my fault. i couldnt bare to see him so upset and really did believe that it was my fault. but one day, after the 2nd beating, i left. i went to my moms house (luckily i had a different last name and he had no idea how to find her/me) and i was safe. i stopped hanging out at the places i knew he would be at. i stopped talking to MY friends that were still in contact with him. i gave up a lot in my life but i felt i had to do it because it not he would hurt me more. there is nothing worse then allowing yourself to stay in such a situation because something REALLy bad could have happened. i am very happy now, (well. ha ha. pretty happy) and its been a couple years since i have heard from him. i made myslef drop off this round earth and it was the best thing i could have EVER done for myself.
anyways, enough about me... i am a happy go lucky slut these days rockin out and livin fast hopin to die young so i can stay pretty.
tell me about you... i am guessing by your profile/interests you are a drag queen? or maybe a girl obsessed with gender bending? i have a female friend who always has crushes on gay boys... but she is a girl. are you a girl or a boy? if you are a tranny, does your boyfriend know? and most importantly of them all, why the FUCK are you with some jarhead who beats you??? and please plase dont vomit after you eat, it makes your teeth fall out. its true! my evil ex best friend was bulemic and her teeth were nasty yo.
lets be friends.
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