Feb 22, 2008 12:47
If you are one of those people how drive down the center of the interstate doing 10mph or less w/ your hazard lights on because there is snow on the road and its a little slick, you are being just that ,a Hazard. If you can't control your car at a reasonable speed (I'm not saying do the speed limit thats reckless, I'm saying go fast enough that you can make it around a banked curve without gravity pushing you into the lane over from you) you shouldn't be on the damn road let alone the interstate. If you do NEED to be out use the surface roads where your puttsing along won't cause an accident or at the very least a major back up (at fucking midnight!) when an ambulance needs to get through w/ a patient.
And you fuckers that think just cause the snow is melted on the road means you can resume doing 80 are just as bad, just cause there is no snow doesn't mean the road isn't slippery Assholes.
/end rant