The Question:
The things you forgot to take down are hanging in the veranda.
What sort of laundry is it?
Please illustrate everything that comes into your head.
Today's challenger: The GazettE
Ruki is--what is this, all of a sudden--?! (laugh)
Ruki is sensitive to his charm, "the strange things that we don't understand."
By sensitive they mean...more perceptive to? So I suppose Ruki's charm would be his strongest quality since he adheres to it the most. Also...What the heck is going on in his head? "The strange things we don't understand" means that Ruki is mysterious in a way. He's charming in ways we don't even know.
Uruha is, oh my, poor thing, it looks cold. (laugh) But Uruha is sensitive to purity.
This pertains not only to himself, but you can see here, "the heart to care for others."
I'm not sure whether it's a heart to care for others, or to torture them. LOOK AT THE POOR THING! He left it out in the cold to freeze :(
Thank you, Aoi is extremely straight (as in, easy to read). (laugh)
We have learned that in everything that he does, whatever it is, he does it with "love."
Aoi's STRAIGHT?! Haha, I was so confused when I read this at first. "Why would they mention that he's straight?" I thought. But seriously, this is so cute. For those of you who are curious, the kanji, 「愛」means love.
Reita has two pairs of socks and two towels. This indicates that he is "real."
He is the only one that drew various laundry items. He is a very clear person who says, "I want to exist like this."
So thank God Reita's normal and actually drew what he was asked to draw. lol
Kai's lonely sock is far from "vague." (laugh)
He is overflowing with confidence and does what he wants. So the future is ever-changing, and he doesn't stop the gears.
Kai is so weird! I thought the sock would mean that he's super lonely, but I guess it means the opposite. Maybe he meant that the other sock flew away? Who knows...