Oct 26, 2008 23:18
Again with that stupid 2-page weekly assignment sneaking up on me! I should not have blown off my homework to hang out with my cousins all afternoon/evening.
I just realized how much this week is going to suck... I have that midterm tomorrow I am "kind of" studying for right now... I'm listening to the music at least. I will never be able to recall which composer and which song it is when he plays them. I can't even remember song titles for ones that I actually LISTEN to, for goodness sake :(.
THEN on Tuesday I have a french midterm (surprise!) and THEN on Wednesday a map quiz (the least of my worries)
Thursday and Friday I have to go to 2 concerts and write reports on them for this stupid music class. This in conjunction with doing ~something~ to appease my friends for Halloween on Friday night (so not even feelin' it right now. All I am going to want to do at that point is be in BED...)
Saturday I can finally rest. Hopefully I will be in full spirits by the evening for Barrie's birthday party. Note to self.... buy her something.